how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Oct 18, 2019


There is always work to be done, to support the continually unfolding of your Divine Life Purpose and the reason you were born on this planet, but that doesn't come from forcing or wishing it would happen sooner than it is meant to. 

Usually the time we are in that space, are the times we are learning valuable lessons that feel like a hell hole with no way out and wtf is the point of being here and doing all this seemingly pointless stuff in the first place? 

Yet, it is a time when our Soul is gaining the deepest lessons for our unique individual path, that are usually not clear at the time and make us give up all hope and faith. 

It is in these times, that people call the Dark Night of the Soul - that are the times we are about to be what they call Born Again. 

Jesus for me - is the Christ CONSCIOUSNESS. 

Being Born Again - for me - 

is the new LAYER OF CONSCIOUSNESS that you have just birthed and shed the old skin of the Snake... And are brought to a new realisation about self, about your life, about why everything happened the way it did, how it did and ah, now you see! 

Yet, at the time, it was the deepest, darkest, no possible way out space right?

Yet, something inside you kept you here... whether you tried to leave or not... you are still here... for a damn BIG reason. 

You feel that in your Soul - but at the same time WHAT IS THAT?? 

You may have a drive and can do and help people with MANY things. You have a Gift, you are a definitely a Healer of SOME kind - because this is what you do, oh so naturally. 

You have this talent for just knowing the answer to every problem someone comes to you with, no matter what sort of 'problem' that is... 

And that.. can be quite frustrating at times, because some people will tell you, you have to do the one thing. 

I know how frustrating this was for me! BUT I DO EVERYTHING what are you talking about?! 

It is people like us, that DO have the solution for everything, find that there is a unique part to what we do, that not many do, just like us. 

But we are emerging and starting to come out... to feel safe to come out and be... who we really are. 

The frustrating parts and the natural unfoldment occur at the same time. 

Because we know that: 

  • we are born for more, feel it in our bones, but barely anyone let alone one person who feels this way
  • usually find our life getting harder and harder when 'apparently' it is supposed to get easier
  • over a period of time, everything happens at once, with seemingly no end in sight 
  • train in many different modalities in a short space of time and are trained in many different modalities 
  • leave everything behind that we once knew, people, situations, items, places

Yet, even though everything is against you.. you keep going. 

There is no option but to NOT keep going. 

Your Soul won't let you. 

No matter how dark, how wtf, how.. really? 

You HAVE to keep going. 

And you do. 

And one day, you turn around and, all of a sudden, it all comes together. 

In the most perfect and utterly Divine time.... you suddenly BECOME IT. 

YOU ARRIVE at your destination. 

And that destination is that deep seated feeling of PEACE ðŸ•Š

Everything that you knew in your Heart - all those years ago, that everyone laughed at you for, that everyone told you it wasn't possible, that everyone told you, you were crazy, suddenly - all of that.. doesn't matter anymore, because, it has all come together. Finally. 

The thing is that, you knew all along. You just didn't know HOW all along. Yet, you keep turning up, day by day, moment by moment, breath by breath and you KEEP GOING. 

The next step, the next step, the Heart illogical steps, after Heart illogical steps. 

With deep faith in self, deep belief that keeps you going that you feel in your HUGE HEART how you KNOW it is meant to be... and you keep going UNTIL that occurs... and beyond. 

Because trust me, you'll be glad you didn't give up too... especially when there is no end in sight, know, that you will make it... if you continue to follow your Heart when all logical is against you... Follow it anyway. 

Your Heart will thank you for it... and you will too. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

P.S. If you KNOW you are born for more, but it isn't clear to you - to be able to Trust Your Intuition and clear out every block, every heavy trauma along the way, to make your intuition clearer, cleaner, lighter - IS the way, you unfold the perfection of your Life Purpose. 

Your real unique Life Purpose, not something you've copied from someone else - but what your Soul, has intuitively channelled through YOU. 

And the only way to hear your Soul, is to continue to lift all the veils that are not you, so you can hear with deep clarity, what your Intuition is guiding you to do. Every. Step. Of. The. Way.

Even when it feels like all has abandoned you - even your intuition - it becomes clearer, and clearer, than ever before. Click here for all the details, Early Bird is OPEN NOW: