business how to create online courses how to trust your intuition Sep 19, 2019


Today I turn 35. When I was first 'spiritually awakened' back in 2005, I always would say in general conversation with whomever I would speak to, that I 'would be able to retire when I turn 35'. 

Now, whilst in my mind, I always thought, that meant I would be a millionaire by the time I am 35 - now that day has come, I realise the depth of what 'retire' means. 

Now, let me just clarify something - because mainstream 'retire' and MY 'retire' - two VERY different things. 

I will NEVER retire because I never TIRE of doing what I LOVE - because I always have and always will do everything I love all the time.

Much to the disapproval of many people including some family members that would look down their nose at me for "#godforbid follow your heart and dreams - what a crock! No body can do that!" They would say! Ah, you can tell I really listened to them right?! πŸ€£

For me, creating a life I don't need a holiday/vacation from... creating a life that I LOVE - requires not a days break, not a day off, not a need to get away, not a nor retirement in the mainstream understanding of! 

Imagine waking up - doing what you feel like doing EVERY SINGLE DAY! 

Imagine - being on 'holiday' every single day - working on 'hobbies' EVERY SINGLE DAY! 

Imagine - being able to claim your 'hobby tools and passion' on you business! 

THAT - is why I don't retire in the mainstream sense! 

I realise now, I turn 35 today, that I have 'retired' a lot of things: 

  • I don't work a mainstream 9-5 job have definitely retired that!
  • I don't receive any government benefits anymore (even the parenting payment I am 'entitled' to! I chose to be completely free of that system in my energetic field)
  • I don't push myself anymore, I CHOOSE for everything to be ease and flow
  • I am loving myself and my life more and more every single day. No more harsh words, judgements about my body or my life or any decision I have ever made in my life, I have DEFINITELY retired those! 

Whilst I thought deep down that I would be a millionaire by now, I realise that I have a SOLID foundation to create that wealth and am well on the way to million dollar revenue in my company. I have cleared out everything that is not that vibration and of course that is a continual journey and shifting consistently to stay in alignment with that - what I have shifted in the past 6-9 months especially, has created this clear path now 100%.

What I have also realised is that, when I began this online business, I felt embarrassed, ashamed and like I was faking it. I have ALWAYS wanted to travel the world and have always had this knowingness that it will be in high class luxury and style, don't ask me why, it has solidly just been there (told you I was different!). 

I began feeling embarrassed - here I was creating an online business and I didn't even have a laptop! Well, I did, but it was an ancient one and I got to a point in my business learning the online technology component 4 years ago, that the systems I needed weren't compatible with my ancient laptop! #stuck 

'Do what you can, with what you have.' - #lifepurposerules

I prayed and prayed and prayed. I didn't let it stop me. Where the f%#k was I going to receive $4k to get a computer so I could keep creating my courses and building my online business?! I was disheartened definitely, I had only just began, I was 6 weeks into learning the online course gig and this happened. 

I kept praying and asking the Archangels for help. And, the answers came. I asked and I was gifted a new desktop that would give me the gift of being able to create and build what I have to this day. I chose a desktop over a laptop, as I realised the amount of filming and technology creation that I wanted to do, it suited much better for that time. 

I have realised, just recently how far I have actually come! 

Yet, a lot of people would say what I am currently earning is not much in the online world and they are 100% correct. And I am very well aware of this. I also know, I am only just getting started with my vision and what my Life Purpose is calling me to bring to this planet. 

I have also had to pull myself back on comparison to others. Because that is where I realised the shame, embarrassment and judgements were coming in. 

Yes, I have had this seemingly weird desire to travel the world in high class luxury and style - everyone back in high school, it was the 'thing' to go backpacking and take a year off before they began Uni. That NEVER interested me. High class luxury and style, yep, I would rather wait for that thanks! 

Here I am at 35 today, with the means and SOLID foundation to continue to build THAT. To allow myself THAT. Gosh, imagine if I had begun the online world back when I was 21! 

Everything for a reason right? 100%. I know I wouldn't be where I am today, in my consciousness 'level' and awareness if I had not walked through what I have, nor without my daughter teaching me and introducing me to Aware Parenting which... is the cornerstone block for changing the world from chaos to peace. Let alone how that has influenced my work and why sooo many people shift the deepest darkest trauma that no counsellor, psychologist nor modality has ever shifted them prior. 

My deepest realisation is that today I am grateful I am 35. 

I sure have retired a lot of things and now have the solid foundation to create the complete freedom lifestyle that I have always dreamed of. 

I have realised and celebrated that: 

  • Removing myself from government benefits and starting a company has been huge and incredibly freeing since February, even though it felt like I went into a black hole rewiring beliefs and energetic framework not being attached nor connected to those systems anymore and how much they influenced my life and I didn't even realise it at the time
  • That I am so grateful I have manifested my new V8, that is the 'Last of the Fireflies' - the last of the V8 Holdens before they stopped making them and omg, that is the best gift EVER
  • That I have been able to provide my daughter a new $4.5k bedroom suite 
  • That I have been able to buy myself a new mattress! That may sound like nothing BUT when you have sacrificed sooo much INCLUDING sleeping on a foam mattress for 4 years - THAT is a BIG deal. Complete foam, not even crappy spring mattress, no - FOAM. Yep, you can imagine the hollow hammock style by the end of that 4 years πŸ˜³Sooo grateful every time I get into my new bed! πŸ˜
  • That I have my personal assistant who is a Godsend Angel, that helps me with everything so I can keep focused on serving you the best way I can. She cooks, cleans, tends to my home so that it is always spotless, washes my clothes, tends to my garden, helps with my animals and deeply supports me in ways I have eternal gratitude for β€οΈ
  • I have someone come and clean my car regularly 
  • That I have been able to reach people all around the world and serving so many people, saving them from the brink of mental disease and giving them light in their life again, helping them to breath and realise what they are even on this planet for
  • That these are all things I always dreamt of - and there is a huge part of my dreams that have come true and I am deeply receiving these now
  • That the inner healing work shifting your blocks, the mindset work and correct systems and structures - you can create ANYTHING you desire (So, are you?)
  • That as I continue to get super clear in my message, I am able to help more people and grow and share my message with the world THAT - I would not have been able to do without this MAGIC called ONLINE. 

I have always said I LOVE technology and this is a huge reason! 

I remember teaching yoga classes every week and the shift from making $45-60 for one or two classes a week, then moving to selling necklaces to help make ends meet for $30-$60 per necklace that would take sooo much time to make and create to being able to support my company to continue to grow each year, currently $14k-$20k months that are constantly increasing, doing what I absolutely love, serving the world to awakening and shifting and I am so grateful that: 

  • I am wonderful and I love you
  • This is one of the best days of your life
  • Everything is working out for your highest good 
  • Whatever you need to know is revealed to you
  • Whatever you need comes to you
  • All is well
  • I am willing to change
  • I am willing to release old negative beliefs 
  • I am making good money doing what I love 
  • I am open and receptive to new avenues of income
  • I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources
  • I am an unlimited being, accepting from an unlimited source in an unlimited way
  • The Abundance of the Universe is available to everyone 
  • I am willing to release the pattern in me that created these conditions 
  • I am in the process of positive change
  • I have a happy, slender body 
  • I experience love where ever I go 
  • I have the perfect living space 
  • I now create a wonderful new job 
  • I am now very well organised 
  • I appreciate all that I do 
  • I love and approve of myself 
  • I trust the process of life is brining me of the highest good 
  • I deserve the best, and I accept it now 
  • Everything is working out in Divine Perfect Order
  • All is well 
  • I now choose calmly and objectively to see my old patterns and I am willing to make changes 
  • I am teachable 
  • I am willing to change
  • I choose to have fun doing this 
  • I choose to react as though I have found a treasure when I discover something else to release 
  • I see and feel myself changing moment by moment 
  • Thoughts no longer have a power over me
  • I am the power in the world 
  • I choose to be free 
  • All is well in my world 
  • I am in the rhythm and flow of ever changing life
  • I communicate with love.... and attract loving experiences and people to me
  • Communication is a song of love 
  • Teach me to love 
  • Love will always dissolve pain 
  • Loving my body is the first step in healing 
  • As I learn new skills, I lovingly support myself during the learning process 
  • I praise myself for big and little things 
  • There is help wherever I turn 

These πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»are a snippet, of what I have been training my mind to believe, since 2005. 

I know you can create the life of your dreams, awaken your dreams and even realise what on Earth you are here for. 

I am, The Life Purpose Queen after all πŸ‘‘Helping entrepreneurs emerge with their intuitive gifts, to serve their life, business decisions and help their tribe and clients navigate and emerge with their own gifts, so we all are:

"Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity"

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘

P.S. If you are wanting to shift into greater flexibility with your time, your freedom, your choices, your life, so you can do what you love and support yourself, your family and what you are really wanting without settling to give your energy to things you are not aligned to anymore, we are right in the middle of our 4 Day Free Mini Course on how exactly you can do just this and get your message OUT TO THE WORLD! (If you haven't joined us yet, there is still time, Colleen has just done Day 2 and we are waiting for you! Colleen, is where I learnt ALL the tech that brought me to you around the globe and I would NOT be where I am today without Her, click here to join us and catch up now:

There are nearly 8 Billion people on the planet and YOU will know if you have a message and a desire to live a life that is not the norm, to be able to do what you want when you want and bring that joy and freedom BACK into your life. 

You will be a person who: 

  • Can't hold a 'normal' job down 
  • Go from job to job to job to job 
  • Always walk into a job and want to change all the systems and just know how to make it all work that why on Earth aren't they doing it THIS way for goodness sake!
  • Always go over and above what your job role is meant to 
  • Always feeling frustrated when people aren't doing their job properly 
  • Go into your job with full gusto but quickly tire of it and feel resentful for being there 
  • Always think you need to leave but don't because don't know what else you would do!
  • Are stuck in mainstream job and ready to get out but don't know how or where you'd even start in your own business 

If any of those were a YES for you then you will want to jump in and join us for this 4 day mini course, where Colleen is guiding us through exactly 'how' and what you need to do - without Colleen's course, I would not be creating to the extent I do now, with the freedom to do what I want when I want. The life I desire, I have created - and you can too. Click here to join us and catch up on the replays, this is your ticket to freedom beautiful Soul!