Yesterday siri took me back roads...again.

about hannah Dec 20, 2020

Yesterday siri took me back roads that saw me drive my V8 wagon through 4WD roads that.. you just wouldn't take such a car ðŸ˜³

I was weary and wondering wtf was the bitumen road again... but nope, we kept going through 4WD roads, just me siri and I, through private property cattle farms, through Deer Farm parks with big signs everywhere stating 'no shooting', crossing through two running creeks that just days earlier, I wouldn't have been able to cross with the amount of rain we have had. 

'Why didn't you turn around?!' Yeah, funny thing about that. I saw some warning sign, but didn't read it and thought - well, why is this private property if a council road is through here, that siri has me on and kept driving. 

I also knew I had come too far, that if I was to turn around and go the other way, I wouldn't have made it to my destination on time, to give the Life Purpose talk I had said yes to.

Crazy. Yes well, you should know me and my intuition by now. We just do things and figure it out later. We just say yes and figure it out later. 

And yet, I was in awe at the scenery and fucking angry and freaking out at times on steep hill roads with big boulder style rocks that... thank fuck it wasn't storming and thank goodness I know how to drive, like really drive or.. no normal car would've made it up some of those steep roads. 

I was definitely over it though. I was angry and frustrated that siri took me this way. MORE dirt roads, over 100kms of dirt roads yesterday... in my new V8 wagon.. yeah, I was over it! DEFINITELY time for my F150! 

I had been wondering these past few months, what is out the back of where I live - well, I was shown yesterday! That is for sure! And I ain't driving out there again without my F150! 

I was angry and frustrated and then it dropped deeper.... sooooo f&%king over this last minute stuff! Well, it wasn't last minute... but I should've checked the directions better.. should've seen it was taking me on a 4WD track ffs! 

I seem angry now.. but I am just.. ranting from the anger I was feeling in those moments... I dropped into.. how busy I still am, even though I have been working to catch up on things. Just... like when will I catch up!? PROBABLY NEVER! So, let it the f*&k go Hannah! 

However, I am a perfectionist and I like things done well... so maybe that is my pitfall. I want to make so many things better and yet, I have been so full doing so many things. 

And yet, it was a good 6 hour drive time that made me reassess everything. 

I was fully focused in Divine Service mode.. I arrived a the festival and shared my Life Purpose Queen gifts in deeply holding space for the tears to fall as I took them through an Activation that left people - changed from my talk. I spent the next two hours giving free psychic readings and life purpose mentoring to those that were ready to hear their paths ahead. 

I originally was going to stay the entire festival. And yet, with all the animal babies suddenly in our reality at home, I chose not to, and just go for the talk. 

When I was there... after the talk.. I was ready to leave. I... was grateful I didn't organise to go for the whole festival. 

The place felt..... energetically I was grateful to get out of there. As I was walking back to my car... I had flash backs... the festival today, is 10 x bigger than when I first went back in 2005 where there were only a few hundred people and a little set up.. was now a few thousand people... it was a dawning moment, that caught me off guard. 

I had forgotten about that time. I was so angry, because I left my drugs at home that weekend and was devastated about it for the entire festival. I was... a very different person back then and yet, going back there yesterday... driving the 2.5 hours home, because I chose to NOT drive back through the 4WD track again, was like I was reborn. I was deep out in the bush - again. I knew the festival was out in whoop whoop it just didn't click, or register, I just did it. 

As I began to drive away from the festival, it felt like I was driving away from Broken Hill, from back in February, when I had to go to hospital, the place I was born and they asked me if I still lived at the station address I was born. I laughed, I couldn't believe I was still on the system there. It felt like I had to unplug from that energetic system to be free for my next leg of my journey in my life. 

Yesterday.... felt exactly the same. 

Those people, from back in the day that I used to hang with, party with.... they were my Soul Family. They were the only family I had back then. And they held such a place in my heart that... over the years when I stopped taking drugs, we drifted apart. Then a few years after that when I fell pregnant with my daughter, they moved even further away as I felt all the judgements from them, as I was the first to have a child among them. 

Nowadays, they all have children. And wives. And funnily enough all the wives were threatened by me so they all stopped talking to me and made fun of the psychic shit I do instead ðŸ™„

Yesterday.. it brought it all up for me. Luckily I had a big drive to clear that one out! 

It was interesting. I guess I never really dealt with it. It wasn't overly big, as they all drifted away as I stopped having anything in common with them and they got girlfriends and wives... however, yesterday showed me that.. it was an unhook that needed to take place. 

Festivals, raving and that lifestyle - WAS my life. It was all I had and it kept me alive. So, it did have a big place in my heart that... I realised yesterday was taking up space. 

All these people and memories I hold onto when they had let go of me a long time ago ðŸ™„

I know I am clearing out sooo much in my life right now - on all levels. 

Clearing out old hurts and pains in my heart. 

Clearing out my calendar so I have time to write my book and finish my other creative pursuits to expand Reality Awareness, so my entire business structure is changing, which is HUGE for me. 

I have been in a tunnel vision, blinkers on space for 3.5 solid years and the separation, balance finding and new structure, has been one of the biggest expansion and trust filling spaces I have ever found myself in my life. 

People may have judged me in my past, called me crazy (I am sure they still do, driving a V8 wagon through a 4WD track ðŸ˜‚) and yet... they look at me today in awe.. or wonder or... oh, I see now. 

The ones who tried and failed, look at me with admiration in realising just what it takes to push through and get to where I am today. 

I was mostly angry on the 4WD track yesterday, knowing that I couldn't turn around and go the other way because I wouldn't have made it on time. I ran through my head that I should've left earlier, and yet, I left with plenty of time, so it wasn't that. 

I ran through my head that I should've checked the maps properly, and maybe I should've. 

I ran through my head how the F*&k I am still this busy and haven't been able to catch up. 

But I remind myself... just what I have been through this year over 2020 and just... take a long exhale. 

I am noticing parts of me wanting to push again today and for the last bit of December... release more availability for the 2021 Personal Psychic Forecasts for example. 

But then I remind myself... just what I have been through this year over 2020 and just... take a long exhale. 

I am noticing I am wanting to do more... but every time I think about that, I crunch up and contract and that is NOT the space I want to head back into again. I am... getting comfortable with SPACE. 

I am getting comfortable with having my life back and my business still running itself. 

For so long, I have had to be in control, be in charge. I had to PUSH. 

Whilst I still own my leadership CEO role, I am learning to let go and know that the Universe has my back - that I am meant to be doing exactly where my hands are at. That.. I have a team now and Reality Awareness is rapidly expanding.. and that things still run... even when I am driving. 

And yet, this frustration I felt yesterday... was more that... there is soo much more wanting to come through me that the expansion is different to what I have ever done before... and that is where the real stretch is. In the new things, the new ways, the new doing things. 

No wonder the big bull ant, that ran across the ladies cards from yesterday caught my attention. Changing brain neural pathways, was deeply for her reading, but I knew it was a message for me to. Expansion in ways that I have never done before... that.. stretch. Yep, that one. 

Going to the festival yesterday, reminded me as I left... that I had a dream back in 2005 - that I wanted to fly around the world, following the summers and the festivals. That is all I wanted to do. I have still held to that dream. 

However, yesterday at the festival, even speaking to someone about it, that - for me to attend a festival these days, the music has to be right for me. If it is not my favourite dj, ah, I have other things that feel more important to tend to. I guess it is why I left right away. You can only imagine my face when I hit bitumen road and typed in the map 'Home' to discover I was 2.5 hours away. I see. Alright, let's do this. 

I realised that my dream has changed... but.. what if it is MY festival? With the music and the events that I like and want? Well, that has always been in the plan... and I guess this fine tuning of the desires that - has been a theme this past month, haven't you found it so too? 

There has been so much shifting and changing - what we once wanted, has changed, what we once thought was so important to us - just isn't anymore and it is like we have turned a 90 degree corner in the direction we are headed. Which is still the same, but so different at the same time and way more aligned. It is like we have 'come home' with our Soul's desires and direction changes that have allowed us to arrive 'here'. 

I have been reassessing and realigning things in the way I work, and recalling sooo many things about myself that I had sacrificed to be where I am now. 

It dawned on me yesterday that.. you know that saying, 'The slave who has the chains removed, remains the slave.'? It is like the elephant that has been chained up, is free, but stays in the same position, next to the same pole, for ages? 

That is me. Well, the last few months, has been me. It has taken me even... this last entire year to realise how free I am now and yet, I have not known what to do with that freedom (in a way). 

For example... I can take time for myself, go to the gym again, I can buy, eat and grow organic foods again, I can take supplements and have health treatments frequently. I can get regular massages and have someone clean my car and my home on a regular basis. 

These are all things I have been calling into existence - writing, journalling into existence for YEARS!!! Well, dedicatedly since 2016! 

And now it is here.... except one thing is missing.. my book writing and creative work time - hence the big recalibration in my business this last month - to enable the space and time to make that happen and dreams come true baby! 

That festival yesterday, felt like the last unhooking to what I have created living here in Queensland for the past 17 years. And it felt huge. And a massive drive to recalibrate my energy on tracks where there was no one around but huge Bulls, Deer standing there out of nowhere, a Pine Forestry that I felt like I was in the USA or Canada with that type of Pine that is not something I have seen readily around here before...

Red Tailed Black Cockatoos - one - just one of them, that up one of the steepest rock sliding hills that I freaked out on but had such a deep connection with my car, like it was a horse, this one Red Tailed Black Cockatoo flew out of the near by tree directly up the middle of the road in front of my car. In that moment I.... exhaled deeply. 

I knew that I was taken care of. I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be. Somewhere in the middle of no where in the Noosa Hinterland... on a 4WD track with no reception. 

Yep, sounds about right ðŸ˜‚

Because that resetting.. is something that changes me. Alone. Out there. Just me and Spirit. 

I come back changed. I come back renewed. 

I come back with a deeper embodied sense of purpose that my life, now feels complete. 

That felt like the third significant road trip... for this year. That 3 thing again... 

I am not the same person I entered 2020 on. 

I bet you are not either. 

And tomorrow, we commence the opening of the astrological line up that the tribal elders have spoken about and prophesied on and about for - CENTURIES. 

We are in a pivotal time right now and everything that has happened to you - has shed unneeded skins - to prepare you for this portal right now. 

Tomorrow it begins and from the 25th Dec-1st Jan you will feel the energies even stronger. 

Elation, shifting, changing, weird body sensations and headaches, aches and pains, if you haven't been physically, exercising, detoxing and preparing your body (which you can still start now) - we are entering a portal of time, that is like crossing the threshold - nothing will ever be the same energetically. 

We are moving beyond anything we've seen before. The Age of Aquarius, is an Air sign. We have been in Earth for CENTURIES. 

Fast paced, quick witted, rapid changes, technological advances - welcome to the dawning Age of Aquarius. 

Lots of Air in your body and in the energy around us. 

Taking care of your physical body in all ways IS how you will get through this AND - keep up with it all. 

You were born for this. Stop putting off that which you say you will do tomorrow and.. do it now. There is no more time to waste. 

Make the changes. Say no more. Say yes to your Soul more. Do the thing. Your Life Purpose is counting on you to do so. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

P.S. If you're a shamanic priestess, if you're a gifted intuitive healer, if you're psychic and you know it and you're tired of everyone looking at you like you're crazy and that people are not hearing your message and you know they can be - it's time to rise into the leadership, divine servant to others that you are. 

Your Life Purpose is awakening - or you wouldn't be here reading this. 

You wouldn't have read this far... 

You wouldn't have found this post... 

Your Soul has guided you here because you are ready to come into greater service, with deeply embodied purpose that you can FEEL in your bones that is just.. waiting to be heard. 

You feel stuck and yet you know, that you have been waiting for this time. 

Life Purpose Accelerator is your guiding light over 2021, taking you by my side for 12 months, intuitively guiding you, 1:1 with all areas access to accelerate your business, your life and let the masses hear your message. 

It is time, isn't it? Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions, Shamanic Priestess, guiding Light Soul: