You can continue on a path that makes you always question what you do

how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Apr 21, 2022

You can continue on a path that makes you always question what you do - or you can walk away from the misalignment and walk towards your dreams. 

The reality is - most people won’t walk towards their dreams.

They might dabble.

But there is but 1% within the 1% that will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes until it takes < my favourite mentor once said this to me and it has been my mantra ever since. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her magical words that have made me keep going in the hardest of times.

Not everyone will have the courage to look so deeply into themselves and do whatever it takes.

Not everyone will take risks to do what needs to be done even when there is no set clear path and they say yes and figure out the way when they get there. 

Not everyone will take an opportunity when they see it because they are scared or don’t know how.

Not everyone will change their life instead of complaining about it.

I’m glad I’m not everyone! 

I’m grateful I have said yes, over and over again even when I didn’t know how and God showed me the way, when I took the steps in the darkness and he illuminated the way. 

I am grateful I continue to step into greater and greater versions of myself before I am ready, even with all the resistance that I tear myself through and some! 

I am here to serve you, to be a place for you to come and guide the way. 

I am not here to heal you, but I can guide you to be the greatest version of yourself.

But you have to WANT to. 

You’re the only one that can do the inner work to attract the love relationship you desire, not dwell in poor me and expect a mummy lookalike to come running to rescue you, because of the way your self talk sends you deeper into the hole. 

You’re the only one that can take the leap of faith when it is only pure darkness, without funds, resources or a clear path and strengthen your relationship to God that illuminates the way instead of expecting someone to be your wisdom and tell you how.

There is something magical that happens when you step into mentors vortexes. 

They are dedicated to growth, expansion and evolution (when you find the right one!) that you shift when they shift. You expand because of what they are creating for their clients. Their inner work creates a vortex that elevates you and lifts you - this lift up, inspiration and continual being better each and every single day is why I choose to be in mentors spaces.

It is my dedication to my clients to constantly be evolving, growing, being bigger, better and more expansive than I was yesterday.

The bigger, bolder, greater moves I make in my personal and professional life, my clients receive those effects in their life by osmosis and it is a humbling feeling to know I am deeply on Purpose. When my clients share their wins and I witness their deep journey work that totally transforms their life, I know I am on the right path.

I know, I’m living my Life Purpose.

Whether you choose to dedicate yourself to your Life Purpose, or even discover what that is, depends on how willing you are to find God, find that deep seated faith and trust… to illuminate the way when you can’t see the way, when it is not how you ‘thought it was going to look’ and trust opportunities that arise in front of your face…

These opportunities are your Life Purpose knocking… and that is what you have been asking for isn’t it? 

Are you going to open the door to your Life Purpose, even when you can’t see the way? 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P. S. I am soooo elated at the shifts my clients are having in Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED & my Inner Circle!! 

I feel sooo humbled to be guiding them on their Life Purpose, delving, transforming, shifting, elevating and some! 

It is incredible to witness the deep diving and transformative shifts happening as they have said YES to these upgrades - I see you and deeply honour you.

Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is your space to have 4 months working deeply 1:1 with me, to shift, elevate and transform your life. 

With Goddess Code Activation Phone And Video Calls, deep integrative in between daily support via Telegram, Distant Healings and Telekinetic Code elevation, this space is only available to those who are: 

  •  ready to say yes because their Soul calls them and of course they follow Soul and nothing else
  •  are the rule breakers, rebel shakers, stand up for their truth and integrity and get up time and time again no matter how many times they’ve been burned 
  •  can feel their Purpose about to exponentially reach a new level that they’ve been dreaming of for a long time and it’s so close it’s tangible 
  •  ready to let go of the old and become who they know they are born to be - even when they don’t know how, they also do

Send me a message to apply and for more details, it’s your time to FLY 🦅🤍