You might pretend to not see me

about hannah how to find your life purpose Jan 27, 2021
You might pretend to not see me - but I saw you turn your back on me and tell your partner as they stared straight at me as I walked past. YOU BITCH!
I was gutted. Well, I didn't realise I was... but on the 45min drive home I felt myself getting more and more infuriated. And the biggest piece was that I never fucking did anything to you!!! (But maybe I reflected TRUTHS you never liked seeing reflected baby! MAYBE just MAYBE I was able to speak the TRUTH instead of tip toeing it the fuck around and gossiping to everyone!)
What the actual?!?!
It was Archangel Jeremiel day on Monday - all about Seeing the Truth in Relationships funnily enough and I had something done, which I have been wanting since January 2017... (it's huge, you'll see it soon enough)....after all these years, sooo many things I have been creating is all coming together.. and 30mins after this... THAT happened.
What the actual?!
Seeing the truth of how deeply wounded the feminine literally lays in my bones...
So. Huge.
I never did anything to that community... and yet, they all turned their back on me. And yet, I checked when I got home - why the fuck would she still follow me!?!? Only one reason I can say is that she is threatened by me, rumours were spread - what, because I was bringing through a new Yoga - Lightfilled Yoga - that no one had ever done before and then oh, what's that - now there are so many chakra yoga classes?!?! Funny about that 🤔 That's what happens when you are a TRUE LEADER.
Archangel Jeremiel showed me on Monday that I had buried that pain - that I 'saw in my reality' - it was HUGE for me to be 'kicked out of the yoga community' on the Sunshine Coast, because I taught out of the box, because I taught my own style...
I was suffocating in that space and it made me feel sick.
Then to cop it from the people who I was actually training teachers for under their school too... told that I am not fit to teach yoga... but hang on, I was training teachers for you? 🤔 Well that just takes it to a whole nother level 🙌🏻
The biggest erk I have is people not speaking their truth. (funny about that hey!)
People not being able to have a fucking conscious conversation about the real shit, the hard shit, the stuff that is in the ethers - you know, the pink elephant in the room and you know the other thing about that?
Is that over the years, I have brought stuff to the table, time and time again and realised that 99.9% of the time.. I am the only one damn well conscious of the shit! I pick it up and it will get thrown in my face, or told I am in denial or no nothing going on here. Right. Then weeks, months later, it is thrown at me. I see.
Or I have a conversation with someone... tell them things, we chit chat, they tell me how they would never do that.. then weeks, months if not immediately - they go and do it WTF!
The thing I am pissed off about is that I feel like I have been ripped off.
My heart has been ripped out by how much I have poured into LIFE into people's lives... and they have ripped me off..let alone the ones I haven't done a fucking thing to! 
Let alone the men or other people who left me years ago... then now see me and want to chat or catch up and chat (which I see is just 100% pointless and a waste of precious time) and 'how amazing you've have raised your daughter' and turn around and tell me how they didn't want to take responsibility back then, but they are ready now.... ah yeah nah mate. 🙅🏻‍♀️
And yet, what is really going on?
I have wildly underestimated myself.
I have wildly underestimated ME!
I have wildly underVALUED me! 
My feminine wounding runs deep and then someone told me the other day that that is the reason nothing else has been successful! Because I don't have women around me. 
Um right. 
Now, whilst many will be nodding their head at this... and agreeing... If there is ANYTHING that I have learnt about the feminine and my history??? 
That my OWN FEMININE has wisdom FAR greater than listening to those around me - ESPECIALLY WHEN SOMETHING DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT!!! 
That shit is what got me in this fucked up situation in the first place!!!
Whilst bawling my eyes out on Monday with AA Jeremiel by my side... and Lady Isis with the most feminine thing I have ever experienced, realising that I was ready 18months ago for this and got talked out of it - again, listening to NOT MYSELF WTF?!?! 
🙅🏻‍♀️ NO MORE 🙅🏻‍♀️
Whilst bawling my eyes out... I realised... I have ALWAYS been alone... I have always done things on my own... I am an Ancient Blooded Healer and that is what we do best... people say that is a flaw... sure.. but who do you come and see when you need the deepest stuff shifted that no one else can help you with? Yeah. That one. 
This aloneness is my POWER. 
If I feel energetically sick entering into a mastermind or a group - I am not going to force myself to stay! That shit is called out of alignment! 
This runs DEEP. 
And it is here that my core is shifting - rapidly. 
Just like yesterday when I felt it was all settling and then BAM - it fucked right into the next level again... RIGHTIO LETS FUCKING DO THIS MOFO's!!! 
Shit is about to get real... and I ain't fucking around anymore and I DEFINITELY ain't hiding anymore. 

The biggest piece I realised in my bawling tears.. is how much I feel their uncomfortableness with WHO I AM... and how much the fuck I trigger them all with my wild flowing, care free HIGHLY FUCKING INTUITIVE wild spirit who also gets in her V8 with all her animals and daughter and just fucks off when she pleases because I am that WILD AND FREE.... I eat meat when I want to and feel the judgement and separation from the vegans and yet, love eating raw vegan... with meat as my staple diet... I didn't even realise that triggered people until shit got thrown in my face about it all and I was like wtf, oh honey please get a life - more so - stop living a lie of the life you are living and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! You are obviously not happy so damn well change it! That shit annoys me to all buggery! 
And it is THAT... that I have shut down...the Wild and Free ME - who I ALWAYS used to be... I shut it down to make them not feel uncomfortable and yet - they are still hating on me for being me - so why do I shut myself down? Gah, could write a book about that one.. but I know you can relate, or you wouldn't be reading this far. 
Yes I am angry....there is a BURNING fire arising within me... all the fluffy spiritual bullshit that makes me dry reach, all the angry people who are firing shit about the election but are ACTUALLY stuck in UNSATISFACTORY relationships and won't fucking leave them and do something the fuck about it, so all their denial is propelled onto the government stuff and other humans for their life choices - when it is actually their own life choices they are angry at! Gah... makes me burn with FIRE and I have stayed quiet for WAY TOO LONG! 
No wonder my food addiction was sky high last year... trying to cover up my WILD AND FREE HEART AND SOUL!!! Well THAT will only last so long 🤣
Thanks Archangel Jeremiel for making me see just how much I had buried in anger at the world, but became too scared to say anything because everyone in my life back around 2010-2020 left me, shut me down, told me not to do this shit... can not believe I let all of that compound so deeply.... 
MY WILD AND FREE HEART has now been unlocked!!! 
Fucking look out world 🙌🏻
In Divine Life Purpose Service to waking the fucking consciousness of Humanity up with cold hard truths, breaking the myths of modern day spirituality that led us to this mess in the first place! 
Love, Hannah
THE Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Birthing New Realities requires a releasing of the chains that has held you back for eons of time... 
Allowing what you REALLY want into your life, requires letting go of toxic old relationship threads that were buried so deep you didn't even know you put them there - Soul, Past Life Deep. THAT shit requires moving baby! 
Over 3 days, we are diving into releasing the chains and freeing your Soul - because the world needs you back on track beautiful one - no more time to delay, click here to join us:
P.P.S. It's begun!!! The new birthing! Welcome to Intuitive Healing Tuesday's - Free Intuitive Healing, Guidance & Support from Hannah, Live Every Tuesday in the Reality Awareness Facebook Support Group. You have to be in the group to join us, so click here to join if you're not already, we start next week: