Day #30: Allow the Soil to Settle - The Key To Mastery

31 days of clearing energy free training masculine and feminine balance soulmate friendships soulmate love Aug 30, 2018

Day #30: Allow the Soil to Settle - The Key To Mastery

You can be clearing energy, clearing energy and clearing energy.

And then you can be doing inner work, inner work, inner work.

And then the Soil needs to settle.

What do I mean by this?

When you are clearing energy, doing internal work - consistently - Integration time is sooooo important.

So often people think themselves to be bad, wrong or ‘not good enough’ when they sit down and watch netflix and in the back of their mind think they should be meditating and beat themselves up and feel worse.

And what I say??

It’s integration time honey!!!

There is a delicate balance to life - EVERYTHING is in Balance.

The inflow and the outflow..

Your in breath and your out breath.

Night time and day time.

And it is all happening - ALWAYS at the same time ALWAYS.

Think about it - there isn’t a time you aren’t breathing (unless you’re not here anymore!)

There isn’t a time when it isn’t night time or day time on the planet.

When you start a new routine, and have a ‘day off’ - don’t feel bad about it!

I call this integration!

If you are doing lots of internal inner work - CONSISTENTLY - and then you get to a point where you don’t want to do it on a day, I say - DAY OFF IT IS!!!


Because there is a ‘settling’ period - ‘integration’ - where all the work you’ve just done - can integrate and create a new structure in your life.

The inflow is all the internal work and the outflow is the restructure in action being put into place in your life.

This is soooo important!

Allowing the Soil to Settle is that all the internal work you’ve just been doing, is like pulling out the weeds in your garden, turning the soil, placing new soil in and then planting seeds. ‘Allowing the soil to settle’ - gives a chance for the seeds to start growing!

Just like the soil in your garden or pot, will sink/lower/settle when you’ve gardened, so too, does your internal world.

Integration time baby!

Integration time varies from person to person, but like anything, the more you do it, the faster you become - just naturally until it shifts instantly and it’s just normal.

If you want to gain Mastery over ANYTHING in your life whether that be manifesting the relationship or income of your dreams or just want a better life - this is soooo darn important right here.

This was sooo strong today that I began filming for Activate Your Higher Senses (Crown Chakra) (In the Life Purpose Mentorship) today and I didn’t end up filming what I planned to film! (Yes I trust my intuition completely, even when the ‘plan’ changes!) What I did film? Is what you can see right here, because this information is needed out there to everyone!!

It was so strong!

If you want to:

~ hone your intuition
~ manifest ANYTHING in your life with effortless ease
~ understand the concept of REALITY and why we are really on this Earth
~ heal ANYTHING in your life
~ gain Mastery levels in whatever field you are in, even just mastering your own self and life

If you truly understand this concept I share in this training video that my intuition was loud and clear, needs to go out to the public for free and now like today, you can truly exponentially shift ANYTHING in your life with EASE.

Ease you say? Yes - I show you on this free training video WHY manifestation can be so hard for so many and so easy for some.

I show you how to tap into your POWER in ways that you didn’t realise before.

I am sooo passionate about this, and this - for Day #30 - is pure GOLD, because when you understand this concept, apply it you will barely have to clear energy ever again - because you will realise a whole different layer of life that had been covered up by the misconstrued understanding of negative energy in the first place.

The question here is -

How Deep Do You Want To Go?

Click here to watch the video:

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. If you think this can help someone, please share it ❤️

***If you want more information on the Life Purpose Mentorship and step into your journey of Mastery, one Chakra at a time, click here for all the details: ***