"I fell off my chair! 😂" she said in her email reply

12 divine steps to awaken your life purpose finding your life purpose how to find your life purpose life purpose accelerator Nov 06, 2022

"I fell off my chair! 😂" she said in her email reply that I received this morning... yes... I have increased my prices. I will not prostitute my energy out anymore for less than I see fit to charge for what I do - I was going to say, 'my worth' but let's be real - that is priceless.

She was specifically referring to my 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast. And yet, all my prices have increased and you can't work with me 1:1 for less than several thousand dollars anymore.

I have been in this industry since 2005 and have some pretty serious experience under my belt and will not stand for anything less than I what I want to charge these days.

I learnt some pretty hard lessons this last 12 months and the many years prior - it has all been about valuing my worth - in business, in relationships, in the way I show up, in what I choose to do in my life. No longer will I sell myself short - not only for my worth - but for even the amount of energy it takes to psychically tune in for 12 months? - Or an hour? Skills, life experience and the wisdom that comes from that - just... yes.

And let's be real, life can be hard - or easy - and we can choose to change how it is for us - we are the ONLY ones that get to decide that AND it can change in an instant, but we... have to choose it.

I have invested over $300k in the last few years in mentorship alone - I would not be where I am today - without it. Did I have that coin before I invested in MYSELF? Nope! But I made it happen, because YOU have to go first - always.

Those who get it, do, those that don't - I am simply not the Psychic Intuitive Healer and Life Purpose Mentor for you.

I am passionate about shifting the consciousness of Humanity - but you have to be ready to do that. I cannot change your mind, I can only change me and I am here to inspire you for what is possible. If you can't work with me 1:1, thats fine, I have a whole wealth of healing, self help, personal growth and shifting your reality tools on my website. Then there is my Inner Circle, Trust Your Intuition Certified Course, that once you're in that tribe, it's for life.. and that... is where the gold is.

You see - shifting your reality - takes time. Many people want the quick fix $100 pill/consciousness magic pill. Doesn't work that way.

I am here for those here for the long haul - you know, the LIFE part of your Purpose. The ones willing to go ALL in. The ones who see opportunity, who see the Path, who are COMMITTED to their Purpose and cannot live life any other way.

I have been called a narcissist, I have been called a money hungry bitch, I have had people leave my courses, programs and teachings, I have had messages of abuse from long term people in my sphere who have not liked it that I have changed the way I do business and strengthened my boundaries in more ways than just increasing my prices. I have been stripped bare this year especially in many more ways than one. I have been praised for raising my prices and honouring my worth and the funny thing is... It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me.

If I can't honour myself - how can I inspire you to honour yourself?

If I don't change - how can you possibly change?

If I don't honour what I am being guided to do, how can I possibly be a Life Purpose Mentor guiding you to follow your own intuition?

If I don't value my time, how can I possibly care about valuing yours or serving you to the capacity that I am capable of?

If I don't see myself for who I really am and follow my intuition - even when that means losing everything I have built to date and all the people along with it (except those who courageously see the vision and are RISING with me - #ISEEYOUBABY 🔥)...

If I can't follow my Life Purpose and step into the vision I have always held deep inside of me to date.. how can you? See the thing is... I can... And that means you can too... If you choose... I am following my Life Purpose and how and where it is leading me to change and step into my path into a greater level of Service.

And the reality? It's not even about the money...

It's about valuing my time... and what I am being guided to do with my time, in business, in personal life, in my Purpose.

There are not many on the planet will ever understand that.

But I am not here to be understood.

I am here to lead the way.

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Oh yeah... I have been holding back things I want to say... so there may be things that 'shock' you... I am just... coming into more of ME, that's all... 🤍

P.S. If you're ready to elevate, to step into what you know you are here for - your PURPOSE - and all the wealth that comes from the complete alignment of your Soul of course - then my Inner Circle is for you.

For ONLY the Purpose driven Soul led Life Purpose callers who are hungry for more because they THRIVE in the FIRE of life and know that they are born for more and never satisfied even though they are in deep gratitude for where they are because they GET IT.

These Life Purpose Driven Souls are here to Serve, here to Lead and LOVE serving at the deepest intuitive alignment they know they are here for.

They are different, they've always felt like an outcast AND they love what they do - but.. want MORE.

Are ready for more...

And are BORN for more...

Click here for all the details or send me a message for Life Purpose Accelerator as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

P.P.S. Trust Your Intuition Super Early Bird is only open for a few more days before investment increases! If you're wanting to be in a place where you are motivated to see your dreams come true, to stop playing around with narcs holding you back from anything but your highest self, if you are ready to stop holding yourself back from - trusting your own intuition about what you know you need to do - then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, before investment increases: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

P.P.P.S. If you're ready to be guided through 2023 by someone who can hold you to your highest standards, values and sees your worth so you stop sinking into a hole like years gone by, my 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast, is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast