It’s a fine line - walking in denial of current world events or being in reality of it

energyupdate reality awareness Apr 26, 2020

It’s a fine line - walking in denial of current world events or being in reality of it - and ‘stepping it up as a Lightworker’ - this - is a HUGE reason I have been quiet recently too. One could say, this post is an #energyupdate and #rantwarningalert

Along side the personal shifts I have been deeply processing - this part? The World Stuff on top of that? Gah.I have been deeply processing these world events. And specific parts I want to share with you here, now I am gaining clarity through my own processing of it.

Comments like - ‘Lightworkers need to step it up’ irritates me to no end - lets say I get mighty angry and frustrated about comments like that.

There is a piece of that - that is pure denial!

Gah - maybe this needs a #rantwarning that you may not want to read any further…. Maybe I need to livestream on this too.. anyway… here we go…

I have a lot to say about it, now that I am coming through the other side of processing about the world events the ‘facts’ that: (without using names here of the world event gigs just message me if you need clarity on what I am sharing which parts)

~ The 1st April gig ‘didn’t switch off the internet’

~ The old mate that ‘was apparently going to step in and save us’, like that big group of them have been saying for years and the guy that filled my ears with all this ‘behind the scenes stuff’ several years ago

~ So many other pieces, but:

The biggest piece and ‘what tipped me over the edge’ with all of this ‘that no one is coming to save us’ - was when the P got let out of jail! THAT was the turning point for me in all of this!

If old mate was supposed to be ‘coming to save us’ - and do all those things (if you haven’t read my ‘Preparation Guide PDF’ please send me a message for the free 30 page PDF I co-wrote with Lucas about all of this, as it will probably make more sense what I am sharing here… and perhaps I do need to livestream on this because I feel I have so much to say on this that text words can’t convey in a way…

IF he was supposed to be ‘stopping’ all of those things - then why did that other old mate get let out of jail?

For me… I have been, yes, processing all my own internal changes going on in my personal world - however, this world stuff - I have been in this bubble in a way - doing my thing as I do as a ‘lightworker’ - because if ANYONE KNEW the depth of what this actually IS and this is where my frustration is - ‘stepping it up’???

Do you REALLY know what this means??


NOTHING can change on the external world - UNTIL you change your INTERNAL REALITY - 

Stepping it up as a Lightworker?

I have been doing more growing, stretching and REAL time stepping it up - than I have since my spiritual awaking in 2005!

I even had a strong conversation with Lucas a couple of weeks ago - about the ignorance - the depth of my work? The depth of my consciousness (yes I am owning this right now) - is BEYOND what the world is ready for just yet.

THIS is one of the messages that came through in my processing all of this! It helped me remember what I do, who I am and why I am on this Earth!

I guess that is why Reconfiguring Energetic Codes (REC) called so strongly to SHIFT THE FREQUENCY!

In the REC Welcome livestream - did you know that we received the message that - Humanity, our Earth - is not ready for Reality Awareness level of awareness until 2025,2026/20-27? That is the message that came through and again - it helped me relax…

All is in Divine and Perfect Order - all is happening exactly as it should.

When I hear that Lightworker need to ‘step it up’ - due to sharing REALITY of the Earth shifts??

When over 1 billion (or some ridiculous number) farmed animals due for eating in the meat industry are being slaughtered right now - this is to be AWARE of! Like fish! ‘Oh no more farmed fish, we killed all them, now we have fake farmed fish’ WTF? #itshappening

THIS is a reality that has been HARD for me to process and the point of writing this #rant blog - is the fact that REALITY is shifting - when you stop the slaughter houses - this is a good thing ultimately - but the back log and ‘why’ they are doing this? THAt reality needs to be paid attention to!

Do you know what it reminded me of?

I was shocked listening and watching that video and I don’t usually watch things like that - but when my intuition shows me something - I PAY ATTENTION.

When I was collecting firewood with Lucas yesterday afternoon it dropped in as I was talking to him about it - the animals - it reminded me of:

~ The Amazon Fires and what was lost there…

~ The Australian Fires and how many animals left then…

~ I even did a livestream specifically on the message I received from all the Australian Wildlife about 'why they left' and it wasn't.... that 'good' in a way... 


The Animals…

I said to Lucas… ‘What is with the animals, and amazon and Australian fires and how many animals chose to leave then - now this? The animals - what is with the animals, what, like those futuristic animals - there are no animals, nor nature - it is just all buildings - you know those films that show that?’

Then I had to stop thinking about it - because I had to process this reality -

~ Our reality is changing so much

~ Yes we have a choice in the direction this goes (hence REC codes - DOING the Lightwork that is deeper than anything on this Earth)

~ Many are in denial but waking up

~ They are ‘taking our food away’ - when countries are hoarding food - you want to pay attention to that - especially when they are taking our seeds away and not letting us grow our own food? Doesn’t that ring any bells??


Are you PREPARING for that? 

And of course.. there is a choice…

Grow your own food, save seeds… but then also - you can just choose to eat their fake foods they flood the market with.

Yes, this may all sound doom and gloom - but I am also here for #realitycheck #bigtime

YES - FOCUS ON THE REALITY we WANT - the one of lush rainforests and animals and humans all living in harmony - BUT -

That birthing of that reality is a PROCESS to get there…

And in the mean time - are you preparing - FACING the reality of the change that will take us there?

If in REC, we received that message that the ‘world isn’t ready for this level of 5D Frequency understanding’ - like think about it…

A Domestic Violence, a Toxic Relationship - it takes quite some time to leave such a space doesn’t it? It is a HUGE process and back and forth and all kinds of things that happen for YEARS before one leaves and then is another process to ‘get healthy’ in self and even experience a healthy relationship eventually… and when we look at what has just occurred on the planet?

The stepping away from the toxicty? Gosh, it has only just begun!

So, are you in denial of what is happening - or are you processing the change and doing the work you’re intuitively being called to?

Even if that is staying in your own little bubble and doing the internal work - because you know where the real power lays?

And how does one support themselves in leaving a toxic relationship? When we look at Domestic Violence cycles and ‘ways of leaving’ - it is a big process right? There is a lot of preparation and getting out processes involved.

Just like what is happening right now on the planet.


The point I am sharing this for is that I have been quiet - because yes, as I said, going through my own stuff and shifting darkness that was sooo deep - but when we look at that reflection on the planet… I have been waiting and watching the world events… and when I saw that guy get out of jail - that is when all my hope disappeared that ‘that man was going to save us’ - like they all kept saying and I let it all go - with a HUGE process.

Then, the messages started pouring through about 2025/2026/2027 and… I relaxed again - because I remembered this is a game of consciousness - and I got work to do - in birthing Rapid Ascension Awakening on the planet… because every step I take in this - is supporting Humanity to Awaken.

That is my purpose, that is my Life Destiny.

“Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity.”

We haven’t hit the darkest part yet…I feel this in my Soul (not a reality I have been wanting to face!)

That guy on the video I shared yesterday - said we haven’t had food stuff happen like this for 100 years - well, 100 years ago -

My Nanna has been around strongly recently and it just dawned on me - in the shop the other day - the eggplant - it reminded me of her when I prepared a meal of it years ago when she was still on Earthside - she hadn’t had it before and Dad said to me that those sorts of vegetables weren’t around all those years ago. And it was a reality check and just how much has birthed and been G M to come to life on this planet…

Just like chickens - they aren’t native to anywhere are they? Where did they come from? Gosh, don’t send me down the rabbit hole here…

Maybe, that is why I have been naturally aligning to raw vegan out here with graceful ease.. even in this cold cool weather, that all TCM practitioners advise against…

The Snow - The Cold - is another thing and the post I shared in Reality Awareness Support Group yesterday?? A huge Dust storm coming from the Southern Ocean to cover 90% of Australia?? Dust Storm?? From the Ocean? From Antartica? Um - you need LAND for a dust storm - does this not make sense to anyone else?

Again - just my thoughts and pondering recently and things I am hearing and yes I have enough of it and hence I stopped talking about it - deeply processing what I have shared here and now coming out the other side - I get angry, frustrated and scream and cry with what they are doing to our planet - a bit like…. Avatar…

And then.. it makes me realise - with great passion and some would say great delusion - that… Earth is watching, our Planet - is watching every single move.

The Earth Spirits, the Fire Spirits, the Trees - have been SOOOO strong for me - like ridiculously strong. And - that - is my comfort. They have been speaking to me, then I am reminded of things like Maleficent and Avatar - when Earth Mother steps in - and keeps the delicate balance… for that - is what She does best, naturally - to keep herself alive.

So don’t be in fear, scream and cry and get your feelings of frustrations out yes - but deeply return to the safety that Earth Mother is watching, feeling and keeping all in delicate balance.. it hasn’t reached the tipping point yet..

But She… has always had our back - and nothing is more powerful than our Dear Earth Mother, shaking off with a gentle rise the pieces that are irritating Her.

Trust in this, connect with Her and you return to centre - fast.

It is definitely what has been pulling me back to the Truth.

Some say complete delusion and maybe it is…

Or maybe that is the realm to the other side - we are at critical turning point of CHOICE - where we are heading as Humanity…

And perhaps the level of connection to the Truth of the Resonance - will lead the turning point into our futuristic space of buildings and flying cars…… or just one other of the infinite possibilities of where this goes - into the lush rainforests, the pristine natural environment where everyone is living their Life Purpose - which enables complete homeostasis balance of ALL living things on this delicate and powerful Earth we live on, where all the animals, have already gone to. This is a portal and we can choose - which place we all end up at.

That Star Being didn't get me out of my float back in January for no reason... 

I know what I am anchoring in.

Do you?

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. If you resonate, so deeply with our Earth Mother - if you are DEEPLY grounded in yourself, your deep, powerful YOU - or want to be and are tired of not being able to hold your powerful ground, dear Ancient Blooded Healer - your calling has arrived.

You feel it, you are deeply connected, but get knocked more than not and allowing yourself to hold it - but feel alone and know you are here for big things to unravel and birth - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworker and Ancient Blooded Healers is OPEN, click here for all the details, it is time to RISE into the you, through this time of deep Earth changes and Humanity shifts - your time, is now: