It’s okay to trust yourself on this one.

how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition life purpose accelerator May 04, 2022

It’s okay to trust yourself on this one.

You’ve been down this road before - you know, the one where you’ve listened to what others tell you to do and you’ve ignored your own intuition on what you’re here to do with your Life Purpose.

It’s okay to trust yourself on this one.

Honey, you’ve just gotten clear on what you’re doing after years of fumbling around - you’ve just found your own structure, your own strategy and your Purpose has shown itself to you.

Don’t disregard what you’re being told by your own intuition of your own Purpose that has been given to you by your Soul, as the Guardian of your Purpose.

It’s okay to trust yourself on this one.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. There are things you can take from this 100% because they’ve already shifted you ten-fold.

But don’t do what you’ve done before and take on someone’s advice when you’ve just received clarity about your Life Purpose Business Structure - remember it’s been years of fumbling around - which isn’t even a fumbling, it’s been a step by step process that you’ve diligently followed since your spiritual awakening (in my case, since 2005!) that you’ve been doing this.

That’s a lot of experience under your belt of diligently following your Soul and right now being given this much clarity of how it’s all supposed to come together - the final pieces of that step by step vision - now in full crystal clear focus.

Honey, you’ve got this.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

But don’t take on what doesn’t feel right when your Soul has just shown you the gateway to your dreams and as the Guardian of your Life Purpose it’s your responsibility and discipline to listen to this.

Remember - your Life Purpose will only make sense to you.

Remember- it won’t make sense to other people when you’re trying to explain it to them.

Remember - you’ll only be trying to explain it to them when #1: you don’t trust yourself to just do the damn thing and #2: when you’re not working on it so #3: just go damn do it! You already know what to do.

Remember - they won’t understand it if they are new in your World and haven’t taken the time to truly listen to what you’re about, let alone receive what they are ready to receive of the Gift of the Activation you ARE, that is, your Life Purpose.

Remember- not everyone is ready to be shifted by the vortex that you ARE.

Be the vortex anyway.

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. I am The Life Purpose Queen. I am here to accelerate your Life Purpose.

You might think you’re on Purpose.

That you know what your Life Purpose is.

However, you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t truly ready to receive your Life Purpose. Your Divine Assignment and the Reason you’re born.

Your Life Purpose is not on the planet yet.

You haven’t been ready to bring through what you’re capable of - no matter what level of success your current status is - that, my love, is not your true Divine Life Purpose and you damn well know it, or you wouldn’t be reading this far.

Clients come to me when they are ready to truly step into their Life Purpose.

Not a shadow version of it.

Not a strategy and marketing version of it.

Not a fling stuff at the internet version of it.

But your TRUE Life Purpose.

The one you haven’t even begun to open the box of yet, but you still think… you have.

But you wouldn’t STILL be reading this far..

If you didn’t feel truth to these words and can feel that something is missing…

With physical ailments hitting you hard trying to wake you up and get your attention…

With aspects of your life crumbling that were once so stable and you’ve built all this success, “But, isn’t this my Purpose?!” I hear you say, with beads of sweat dripping down your skin that you try to hide as you find your feet day in day out…

I am not called The Life Purpose Queen for no reason by the Goddess Herself that was bestowed upon me on my 33rd Birthday in 2017.

Walking this path since 2005 in this lifetime and beyond the mists of Time, I am called into Divine Service to guide you Home.

To your True Life Purpose, to your Divine Message you haven’t even UNLEASHED yet… and yet, you think you have because you’re online and in person ‘successful’ 🙄

It’s time, the Life Purpose Accelerator Vortex is open with two Divine tiers - Ruby or Diamond Level.

12 Months 1:1, in the most powerful place for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers - your true mission, your Divine Life Purpose awaits you.

Send me a message to discuss, or click on the link here for all the details: