Revelations of Your Life Purpose

awakening your life purpose finding your life purpose how to find your life purpose Nov 05, 2021

Right now, you’re having revelations after revelations about yourself, your Life Purpose and what you are here for. 

You are getting clear - you KNOW what you have to do, even if you’re scared to do it - you know it’s a path you cannot turn away from. 

You are realising a huge part of what you’re here to do, holding your ground, standing in your truth and letting everything else fall away that is no longer in alignment. 

Your Life Purpose is awakening, is shifting to a different reality, a different vortex, a different sphere. 

Things may have dropped out of your field or you have had to walk away from - or fiercely walk TOWARDS 🔥 

Your Life Purpose involves something so near and dear to your heart. 

It is something that makes you feel complete when you accomplish it.

It makes you feel full and nourished, a feeling that not even your romantic partner can fulfil. 

It makes you sleep so soundly at night and you are not concerned with day to day stresses when you engage, dedicate, commit and nurture your Life Purpose. 

Your Life Purpose is something so sacred to you, so deeply honouring of who you are AND it comes naturally to you. It’s easy for you. It is something that you get excited about, but the overall feeling is that deep satiated feeling. 

It is a feeling that you know what to do. You have the innate ability to just do it, you’re efficient at it. 

Don’t let the shock of others not understanding or trying to figure out how you did it determine what your next moves are. Keep focused. Your Life Purpose requires this of your right now.

When you’re rattling the cages, breaking the glass ceiling on an old sphere of life, snapping the threads to the old web you were entangled with it is going to feel a bit icky, a bit uncomfortable, a bit weird, a bit like you’re walking on unstable ground because it is unfamiliar….

At the same time? 

It’s EXHILARATING 🔥 It brings you ALIVE and THAT is what you are born for! To be ALIVE! 

But, are you? 

When you're breaking the spheres it will feel like everything is pulling you down, holding you back, pulling you away, it will be 'HARD' to cross the finish line, but what you have to understand is that you are nearly THERE! 

That exhilaration - if you're not feeling it, you aren't living! 

Break those spheres and keep going! 

Your Life Purpose is counting on you! 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑 

P.S. You know, deep down, what you deserve in life. 

You know, deep down, what you are really here for. 

You also know, that you've been influenced by one a many way too many times. 

And you're starting to remember... the reason you were here. You're being shown signs all over the place and you are remembering things you long lain forgotten, but now... they are surfacing, after all these years and you know in your heart you're ready to make this your reality, make your dreams come true and are ready to step into the highest version of yourself. Life Purpose Accelerator, is open, click here for all the details:

P.P.S. The truth, can not be held back anymore. You cannot not live it, speak it or live the life you know you are meant to, in a way that you are meant to. 

You are tired of your past and ready to turn away once and for all, in fact, you already have in a way and you're ready to stand tall, dig deep and let out from inside of you, what you know in your Heart, this truth, for you, has always meant to be - Passion for Purpose - your innate Heart and Soul - click here for all the details, we start 22nd November:

P.P.P.S. Ready to take your Purpose work online? Click here for all the details: