The reason things don't work out..
Nov 17, 2022
Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them too - even though it seems like the most perfect idea and so meant to be and then you are super disheartened that it doesn’t work out…
And yet, if you were truly honest with what is going on… you KNOW wholeheartedly, that isn’t what you really want and the Universe has your back and… when you truly tune into it… what you really want.. is right there, on it’s way, still happening - hold the faith.
You were only blocked by the Universe, because it isn’t where you’re meant to be.
You were only blocked by the Universe, because there is something better meant to be.
You were only following what felt right, because you are highly intuitive, you can feel it on it’s way to you and it is here… you stay.
You follow the signs, the nudges, the path and along the way, you find the open door.. along the way, you get the things done, you really want done… you… open to Spirit more than ever before. You drop deeper into trust than ever before..
And you Surrender to the divine, leading the way.
Hold the reigns of the horse for sure… but the Horse, is pure divine in essence and it also knows the way.
The horse, is your Heart…
And your Heart, always knows the way.
This is your REMINDER - to only go after, that which you really, REALLY want.
It is waiting for you - the entire way.
Let your Heart lead you.
Following Your Heart is real.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. There are only a few days left for me to be your Intuitive Guide for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast, each month, deeply detailed alongside activations, healings and guiding lights shining the way through your powerful 2023 - coming right up, click here for all the details:
P.P.S. If you’d rather be in the place where all the Ancient Blooded Healers & Rising Lightworkers hang out, the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for all the details: