awakening your life purpose how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Apr 11, 2022


Your message will continue to grow and evolve as does your Life Purpose as does your Life.

As you elevate yourself to your next devotion of your Life Purpose level and trust yourself enough to make the changes your message will shift and evolve. Let it.

You aren’t the person you were 5 years ago. Your message won’t be the same either.

That’s why it is soooo important to not wait until the perfect moment to start your Life Purpose purely Soul Led business, or wait until you’re more trained or more perfected because that perfect moment never comes because you are always evolving to your next step already, your next message, you are always being shown the next step in your life Purpose - but if you aren’t taking the first step that your heart and soul felt message requires of you to share right now, how are you meant to be shown the next step - or any part of your purpose - if you’re not taking the next step right now, of what you're being called for - right now? 🤔

Who knows where those steps are leading you but they will be blank, dark and a dead end if you don’t step on the step and let the light turn on - you know, like those auto lights that come on when you walk in a room? That one.

Until you follow through with the next step you need to take in your purpose, that light won’t come on illuminating the next step.

As you continue to grow and evolve, alongside your message changing, shifting, elevating and becoming a new and totally different to what you ever once talked about before, people will drop out of your field or they will elevate with you.

Let them. 

The ones that leave your field loudly or quietly are clearing space for your life - your ALIGNED Life Purpose life to come to fruition.

Funny thing is, you will notice those people have dropped away - by the new ones that have already entered your field.

You know you’ve shifted when you have clients that turn a corner and rise with you.

You know you’ve shifted when new people enter your life that are a completely different frequency than you’ve had before - but this is what you’ve known your dream life to be and so walk forward with every step in gratitude because you’ve realised that you have stepped forward with 





And things that you’ve been dreaming of for YEARS… are suddenly HERE. 

But it all came about because you chose to stop hiding…

You chose to have the courage to bare your Soul…

And discover… that you’re more free than you’ve ever discovered before.

You realise… this is the feeling you’ve been chasing all along.

And all you had to do was remove the self imposed cloak..

All you had to do was let your own damn self out your own damn cage…

And you know…

You’ll never look back.

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑 

P.S. GODDESS CODES - has activated a vortex that not only elevates and holds you...

It activates you…

It brings out of you - the identity you know you’ve been literally dying to give birth to, but have been too scared… but you… can feel it’s already begun…

Goddess Codes - 4 months 1:1 with me, in a highly activating space of a frequency that is felt by the heart and shifts without words, let alone what we actually do. 

It doesn’t make logical sense - but no magic ever has.

It’s only for those breaking all the rules whilst creating stability that continues to surpass yesterday, last week and last year… you stabilise at your next level and continue to rise.

That is, what Goddesses do after all right? 

Goddess Codes investment is increasing Friday midnight. Send me a message for more details and to book.

P.P.S. Past Life Presence is for you if you feel you’re stuck on the merry go around and wondering why that person has just left your life again or why you seem to be stuck whilst everyone is moving rapidly fast around you and you’re feeling left behind in Health, Wealth and Love… 

On our 3 Day Masterclass unthreads ties to your past in Health, Wealth and Love. I am so excited to channel this one love over 3 days, just before Easter and our Full Moon that is leading us into our Eclipse Season to clear the slate and stop repeating those painful cycles. Click here for all the details we start in less than 48hrs: