Welcome to the Sacral Chakra

The place where you are NOURISHED 🧑

Our Sacral Chakra is a place where we are nourished to our core. It is that place located just below our belly button and is the first place we are nourished as a physical being - through our belly button, through our placenta, through our Mother. 

All of a sudden we are ripped from our womb, our safe place and 'shocked' into the world. Well, mostly. Most of society has been born this way. Gentle, conscious birthing IS coming back, but for most of us, we didn't experience this. 

At it's core, we are walking around trying to fill ourselves up and is why addictions are rife through our society today. Most of us don't know the basics on how to care for ourselves, let alone nourish our SOUL which is really? What is the ONLY thing that will complete us, leave us feeling satiated and fulfil us. If we don't have this core element of fulling, sustaining, nourishing SOUL energy, we will always feel like something is missing. 

How do we fill this 'hole' in a nourishing, sustainable and healthy way? It's Soul work baby, Soul work πŸŒŸOr put it in a 'better' term - Soul's growth, Soul awakening, Soul RECONNECTION. 

To bring your conscious awareness back to your connection. Because ultimately? You are ALWAYS connected. It is just your conscious awareness TO this connection. 

Awakening The Consciousness of Humanity. That is why you have found yourself here on the Sacral Chakra Consciousness page of healing. 

It is time to fulfil and nourish yourself at your core - to find the connection again, to yourself, to your Soul, to your life, to... put a smile back on your face again - that deeply feeling, heart smile, that you feel deep within you. Because you have found that reconnection with yourself again - yes? That is what you are longing for, it is you - you are, the one you have been waiting for. Time to reconnect back to YOU beautiful Soul.

Here, on this page, you will find links to blogs, videos, meditations, courses that I have, that will deeply support you to heal all things related to your Sacral Chakra. 

Some of the links may take you to a video or blog that seem like they have nothing to do with the Sacral, but if you read the entire thing/watch the entire thing, you will find that the depth of the Sacral Chakra Consciousness will start to reach your Soul and the Awakening back to the truth, depth and love of your Sacral Chakra will start infiltrating back into your life. 

Deep Soul Connection, long lasting, sustainable feeling of belonging and feeling loved - that is, what you are looking for after all right? 

  • Where you are NOURISHED!
  • Healing Addictions
  • Healing Womb & Fertility
  • Gestating Life Purpose - Yes, Men, you have a Womb too, it's called your Sacral
  • Healing Masculine & Feminine
  • The Divine Balance

Here is the Sacral Chakra eBook you can download and work through. I highly recommend writing down your reflections/aha moments as you work through the eBook to ground & embody your new found awareness into your reality. You can watch the video now, or work through the Sacral Chakra eBook first. Trust what you feel called to do. Love, Hannah. The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘


Other Sacral Chakra Resources:

Here is a selection of Blogs & Livestreams I have done, that will give you a deep understanding of your powerful SACRAL 🧑

Blog - Abortions, Miscarriages & StillBirths
Blog - How Do I Let It Go?
Healing Past Relationships & Issues
Blog - Healing Overwhelm
Blog - How To Say No, The Energetic Fallout When You Put A Boundary In Place
Blog - Masculine & Feminine Balance
Blog - I Stopped Looking For My Soulmate

Manifesting Magic - How to Manifest Like A Boss

Addictions & Recovery

The Purpose of Creating JOY

You're Not Lost, You're Recalibrating

50% Complete

Two Step

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