I have always had big dreams - like BIG dreams. 

finding your life purpose how to trust your intuition life purpose accelerator living your dreams Nov 01, 2023

I have always had big dreams - like BIG dreams. 

I feel like I have been in the biggest life transformation I have ever undergone - and yet, I know, there is so much more to come and about to take place. The deep inner cocoon rebirth that has been taking place the last 3.5 years out on this property has seen my go into deep isolation and face parts of myself that I didn’t know were still sitting there, that… without everything being stripped away from me, simply would not have occurred. 

And I have always been willing to do whatever my Soul directs me to do, to receive that which I am asking for. 

I have always been clear on my Purpose and yet, so often wonder what I am doing with my life. 

And yet - this is the way of the wanderer who is creating as they walk, knowing the depths they travel deep inside, is but a mere reflection of what is going on out there and the propellation that comes from diving deep inside that is the catalyst for the trajectory that shifts the entire world. It is this connection, that is felt through the Soul that not everyone has the courage to follow, but those that do - you look upon with wonder and awe and gaze back at your life in deep reflection, wondering… what MORE there is… 

I am here for the dreamers, for the aligned action takers - for the ones who know they are born to change the world. 

It is in the space in between - of knowing exactly who you are - and knowing not at all anything about who you are all at the same time, is the greatest level of power of living in between worlds, birthing catalysts from bringing one world into the next and merging the two for conscious human understanding that changes the world. 

The rule breakers, the ones who constantly think outside the box - whom at times along the way - even their own closest friends and family have told them their dreams are not valid, told them to stop, who left them to their own devices and yet… it through travelling the depths of not even having those closest to them - their conviction in their own dreams, that strong connection to the divine, to their Soul - to their Life Purpose Path & Plan - only grew STRONGER - is so darn clear to them and the deepest tug to complete and ONLY fulfil this mission (that can have multiple threads from the one core Purpose), is what keeps them ALIVE, let alone is the only thing they can do, focus on and breath through life with. Anything else is a distraction and doesn’t even enter the vicinity. 

People have told me time and time again ‘You keep people at arms length Hannah, you need to let people in.’ Well… that actually has served me.. it is called a strong dedication to Purpose, to knowing what and who is in my energy field, to knowing what I am born to do, to knowing what is going to serve me as I elevate from an old life to a new life - not just once but over, and over again, like the seasons, constantly shifting, ebbing and flowing, like the snake that sheds it’s skin… I have walked away from many friendship circles and groups over the years - what once resonated yesterday doesn’t anymore and it is these places that are a deep recalibration of Soul alignment, moving to the place that calls the Soul that only arrives at it’s destination - every moment it steps foot on it, because it is here that Purpose is found.

‘Keep your circle small’ - is only understood by those exponentially expanding empires. You know a lot of people, but your circle… is small. By choice. By alignment. By Purpose fulfilment. 

When we undergo huge life transformation - it will feel like everything is happening at once. You’ll wonder ‘when’ it is going to stop and feel like it is just constant as the new frequency embeds into the reality you have stepped into. 

Not many people are successful in their dreams, because not many people are willing to do what their Soul directs them to do to create that which they are asking for. 

Not many people are successful in their dreams, because they are not willing to change their current circumstances and let go of every single thing that they know in this current reality - to allow the entire skin to shed to walk in the void of nothingness and only follow that calling of the heart that is so strong for them, that ‘that is all they hear’ and don’t let the naysayers influence them and drown out the calling of their Soul. 

When you undergo huge life transformation, everything DOES happen at once. 

Not many people can walk in between the worlds, consciously choosing the one that is what they have been waiting for - as they are still clinging to the old, to what has been walked away from, but you’re still holding on to. What.. do you need to let go of the rope of and turn your focus to the future that you’ve been calling in for a long time, that is now here… on your doorstep? 

The birthing portal to a new world arriving - shows you ‘proof’ by… 

You not knowing what is happening, but you know EXACTLY what is happening 

You are stretched beyond what you thought you were capable of and can feel yourself expanding in all directions at the same time 

You ground down 10 things at once in your business and things feel like a scattered mess - but you’re SOOO clear on the things all at the same time.  

You choose your focus wisely 

You choose where you spend your time and energy and with whom wisely 

You let go of control and drop deeper into surrender of the divine current of your Soul realising that massive transformation is occurring and you choose surrender over control, over and over again, knowing that your Soul has led you here, reminding yourself of this, reminding yourself that your Soul led you here, so your Soul also knows how to ‘get you out of here’ or ‘get you to the next level’ and your mind yourself these things over and over again and take time to stop…. and listen… to the whispers of your Soul as you feel the vortex manifestation spiral happening all around you as you stand there still, in the centre of it, smiling with your Soul in deep connection witnessing and guiding you in the next steps and you listen, you take them and the space that you’ve created this entire time - that even when everyone told you it wouldn’t work, that when everyone told you, your boundaries were too strong, that you were too much, that when everyone abandoned you, that even when it cut you to your core that left you heaping and grieving for days on the kitchen floor all those times ago… you sit here, smiling in the centre of the vortex as your reality shifts, your manifestations that were once only a thought… arrive at your doorstep, manifest into form and your smile, your heartfelt smile… the connection to your Soul - is only ever stronger than before and it is here… your dreams… have turned to reality. 

Do.. your dreams?

Do.. you trust yourself that much - even when there is no proof? 

Even when ‘all your guides and angels have left your side’?

Even when your entire reality and everyone you’ve ever known in it - have left you?

Do you?

Sit in the vortex manifestation spin and smile… feeling your entire dreams turn to reality?

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. I have extended Trust Your Intuition Early Bird! I have been in the biggest transformational chamber of my life (bushfires included 😟 ) and only now finding grounding in this new reality that has birthed for what felt like a lifetime and in the blink of an eye has arrived and is here. 

It is here - that LIVING what I teach - is right before your very eyes. I have a dedicated purpose to bring this to Earth of the highest quality, format and deepest teachings to honour the depth of this work, so it is here that I allow this the beautiful space that is required for this. Click here for all the details, Early Bird - has been extended: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

P.P.S. Yes, I am safe at this time from the bushfires… We have a one ridge in between us and it and homes have been lost in this as well as some saved, so I have and am very alert and ready to go if need be - this will go on for around 1-2 weeks, so... it's been a hairy and another deep learning experience out here. Talk about all happening at once and the biggest transformational chamber there can be. Last year was floods… this year fire… the year before, the two dogs mauled me. Okay then. Want to talk about tests and initiations when exponentially expanding your empire? To have a mentor that can hold both worlds, is rare… this is what I do with my clients - to hold the spaces in between as your world dismantle and dreams turn into physical manifestation form, is what I do. I walk through this and that gives rise for a certain skill that comes from only experience, wisdom gaining and strength that not many can hold as your world collapses and the new structure is birthed - all whilst maintaining what it is you do - or finding the new vortex of what you do. There is a certain person who requires a certain mentor like this. That is what Life Purpose Accelerator is - my 12 Month Mentorship and is open now for application, click here for all the details or send me a message for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

P.P.P.S. TRANSCENDENCE is OPEN! I am sooo excited to walk through this 6 Week Journey of Manifestation, transformation and dedication to bringing your dreams to life. You have lifetime access once you’re IN for this and the uniqueness about this? We run this every 9 months, which is a specific birthing portal, that collapses time and layers the manifestation of your Soul’s Desires. If frequency coding and quantum leaping is your thing, TRANSCENDENCE is for you, click here for all the details, we start this 6 week journey soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence