Hannah's Blog

It's okay to walk away without explanation... Jun 15, 2018

It's okay to walk away without explanation...

It’s okay to say that’s not in alignment and continue on in the direction that is in alignment without giving a reason why...

You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone - especially those you are leaving in your past. 


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When Intuition drops in - do you listen? ✨ Jun 07, 2018

When Intuition drops in - do you listen? 

More so to the point - do you act on it? 

The more I walk forward in trust - the wider the doors to my Life Purpose swing wide open and everything opens up before me. 

Like a magical wonderland that you thought had disappeared long ago when...

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Do you have someone on a pedestal? 💥❤️✨ Jun 07, 2018
Do you have someone on a pedestal?
Said with so much Love.
When you take someone off the pedestal the power roles cease to exist and you exist in unity.
When you have someone on a pedestal you give away your power and become a puppet bowing to their every need,...
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