Hannah's Blog
Weekly Intuitive Energy Forecast for the week beginning 8th October 2018
This is the first of my Weekly Intuitive Energy Forecast. I received the intuitive nudge to start doing these for the collective, so here we are
#energyupdate Ex's, Old Boyfriends, Old Girlfriends, Old Flames, Old Lovers... their in your thoughts right?
So much old is being cleared out right now. If you've had old flames old lovers in your mind, or even contact with an ex out of the blue - or clearing out energetic old crap from your...
READING RESULTS ARE IN! For 2nd October 2018
There is only 4 days left to get into the 3 Month Intensive, Goal Reacher Program with me. Deep diving, shifting, aligning, activating and awakening your Life Purpose to set you on tone for the next 10 years, as we move into the Age of Aquarius...
Tuesday Tarot is here
Pick which number first jumps out at you, the one that first comes to mind, that you see in your minds eye, that you are drawn to, that you hear or you just know, or you just sense and comment your number below to let me know what number is yours for today.
Yet, you have to know your own HEART to harness the POWER of it.
They say, the Heart Frequency field is the most powerful thing on the planet.
That of LOVE.
Yet - can we really put a label on that thing that we all feel,...
FREE PSYCHIC READING for 25th September 2018
Pick which number first jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you see in your minds eye, that you are drawn to, that you hear or you just know and comment your number below to let me know what number is yours for today.
Energy Update - Portals are Opening, activating and allowing the higher pathways.
I am being told there is a key date coming up - the 23rd October is a key significant shift in global and interpersonal events and relationships.
They are saying it is a key activation period from the...