Hannah's Blog

You receive your intuition in more than just one way... Jul 08, 2018
You receive your intuition in more than just one way...
There are 4 main ways you receive your intuition.... But then there are MANY ways you receive your intuition - you just have to be aware of them, activate them and use them.
The 4 main ways, are through your:
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Come..... where deep is normal ❤️ Jul 07, 2018
Come..... where deep is normal
Come.... where the penetration is not pointed and judged thus separated, but felt in its full spectrum and held deeply compassionately in all it's fullness and glory...
In softness and kindness, for all aspects of being
Even the...
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You are not separate from any of it... Jul 04, 2018

You are not separate from any of it... 

When Conscious of Your Connection you are conscious of your Source and in your consciousness of your Source - well, you see there is no separation from any part of it - nothing on this Earth, any other planet or any other galaxy or star system -...

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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Jul 03, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

Your messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins are here ‍‍

Scroll down to find what number jumped out at you earlier today (or yesterday as I accidentally pressed publish! #yesiamhuman) and see what messages are awaiting you...

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FREE TAROT READING for Tuesday 3rd July 2018 🔮 Jul 03, 2018

FREE TAROT READING for Tuesday 3rd July 2018

Pick which number first jumps out at you, that comes to mind, that your eyes are drawn to, or that you hear in your mind and comment your number below to let me know what number is yours for today. 

Reading results will be posted at 3pm AEST...

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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Jun 26, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! for the 26th June 2018.

Scroll down to see what message came through for you today from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue. 

These powerful messages streamed through with an underlying gentleness today - are you being compassionate with...

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How do you know you are experiencing upgrades or ascension symptoms? Jun 25, 2018

How do you know you are experiencing upgrades or ascension symptoms?

I just want to point out firstly, that this isn't about:

ascending out of this planet and leaving Earth
leaving your body and disappearing
going up with the Angels and not coming back


This IS about: 


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About those upgrades last week? Oh, and Happy Solstice!!! Jun 21, 2018

Hey beautiful! You know how I posted about those upgrades last week? 

(Oh! And Happy Solstice!)

Well, I asked what I needed to do to take extra care of myself to support the process of expansion (because that is all they are), and I received the message to juice fast from Monday lunchtime to...

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Awaken Your Psychic Senses Doors Closing! Jun 20, 2018
When intuition drops in - do you listen? I do! I have made too many mis-takes in the past to not, not listen anymore, even when, especially when - it doesn’t make logical sense! So with that - Awaken Your Psychic Senses, closes this Friday! (Thursday if you're not in Australian timezone)...
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Sacred Solstice 2018 Jun 20, 2018
There are Earth changes, the Earth is shifting beneath your feet, realities changing right in front of your eyes - are you holding on - or do you trust in the shifts and where they are leading you right now?
Where - you're being pulled right now?
It is Solstice tomorrow...
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