Hannah's Blog
Reading Results are IN for 2nd April 2024 Eclipse Season Vibes
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what message is awaiting you from the Archangels today
This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are...
PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 2nd April 2024 Eclipse Season Vibes
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to...
When you step out of trying to predict the future and playing in the etheric realms, you get to bring your unique Life Purpose to earth instead
Your worth, your life situation, your income, your business, your purpose - are not determined on outside circumstances - no matter what is going on in...
That feeling when… you’ve trusted yourself enough to step into the highest iteration of you…
This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big...
You’re a creator of your own reality
You’re a manifesting queen
Every time you re-gain your power and step into that, manifesting the fuck out of the reality you desire, it seems like the world crumbles around you, family, friends, clients and people you don’t even know on the...
You’re someone who knows they are destined for Purpose Made Millions
But you can sense that the relationships around you are affecting you
You can FEEL them draining your Soul
They make you want to crawl in a ball and hide away - not come out and shine in the world - like your Purpose work...
3D to 5D Acceleration Meditation
~ Help move through the recalibration when the Eclipses stir up all the changes in your life that you don't know whether you are Arthur or Martha anymore and your world seems to be shifting through your fingers and you can't stop it
~ Use it when you feel lost...
#energyupdate #eclipseintensities Feeling okay one day (on top of the world!!! LFG! ) and then next day you're flattened for six, can't even stand up and wonder if something is actually wrong that you need to go get checked out?!
or in the space of - an hour?!
These waves - the bandwidth is...
Reading Results are IN for 26th March 2024
Scroll down to find what number is awaiting you there today from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle as reading results are now IN!
Feeling stuck in a circle that no longer serves your growing dreams and purpose?
Holding on to hope that those...