Hannah's Blog

Part 3 - World Energy Update Aug 30, 2021

I didn’t know there was a part 3 until it all dropped in this morning!

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Part 2 World Energy Update Aug 28, 2021

Food Addictions, what we eat fuels emotional cravings, clean bodies, clean energy - not necessarily.

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Things are very fluid right now - this way, no this way, no back this way - which way again? Aug 28, 2021

Things are very fluid right now - this way, no this way, no back this way - which way again?

Confusion - the ultimate control of the narcissist.

BTW #sidenote I saw a mentor that triggers the fuck out of me and inspires so deeply at the same time, talk about admitting she was a narcissist - ...

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World Update/Energy Update Aug 26, 2021

Why the dipping heavy/dark waves are so strong, what you can do about it and… a bit of a vulnerable share…

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I didn't know who I had become... worst still I forgot my purpose. Aug 26, 2021

I didn't know who I had become... worst still I forgot my purpose.

I feel like this running business - like my entire life - that was normal. But this last 12 months? Has been soooo conscious and coming out of that running has left me in the dark with who I am, what I am actually doing and where...

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Phew! Releasing this adrenaline addiction is worse than Heroin! Aug 25, 2021

Phew! Releasing this adrenaline addiction is worse than Heroin! 

(and yes, OBSESSED with this filter! Think I'm ready and willing receiving LIGHT baby! If only there were real Gold tattoos! )

Well, actually I wouldn't know... however, they say that Love Addiction is worse than Heroin and I...

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🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th August 2021 Aug 24, 2021

Reading Results are IN for 24th August 2021

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see the message that came through for you from the Work Your Light Oracle. 

It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in...

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🔮PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 24th August 2021 🔮 Aug 24, 2021

PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 24th August 2021  

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what...

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Who feels something big coming? Aug 22, 2021
Spiritual warfare, dark and light, black goo/nano technology, energetic waves of wtf and a need to stand tall in who you are, now more than ever. The calm before the storm, the eye of the hurricane - do you feel it? 🌀 💎 ⚕️
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