Hannah's Blog
FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 23rd October 2018
Pick which number first jumps out at you, that you first hear in your mind, that first comes to mind, that your eyes are drawn to, that you just know, or that you just sense, and comment your number below to let me know what number is...
Full Moon Ceremony Live Online Taurus Full Moon 25th October 2018
This week is a huge theme of letting in the new, allowing yourself to receive and releasing the old patterns to make space for embodying it.
There is a huge difference in just knowing something new to actually embodying...
I may seem quiet out here... but - there is soooo much behind the scenes work going on over here to make all of what I have to offer you sooo much more user friendly for you!!
I may seem 'quiet' - but I am about to amplify what I offer for you ten-fold! I am deeply passionate about shifting...
When you feel in your Heart you know something.... that is your truth...
When you feel in your Soul you know something... that is your truth...
So what makes you doubt?
What makes you question?
You know... and then you don't know... and you get...
READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 16th October 2018
LESS THAN 48 HOURS BEFORE SUPER EARLY BIRD CLOSES! Trust Your Intuition is your LIFELINE if you are an empath, a psychic, healer, someone who feels everything that everyone doesn't and feels like they have never fit into any group, let alone place...
FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 16th October 2018
Pick which number jumps out at you, that you first hear in your mind, that you just know, that your eyes are drawn to, that you just sense and comment your number below to let me know what number you choose today.
Here's this week's Weekly Intuitive Energy Forecast for 15th October 2018
Relationships, Relationships, Relationships!
Soooo..... Venus is Retrograde - hello all the dredges of the depths of relationship stuff being brought to the surface!!
Do you know why??
Because - what is actually happening?