Hannah's Blog

From this moment forth and my deep integral intentions for 2019 and beyond are: Dec 31, 2018

From this moment forth and my deep integral intentions for 2019 and beyond are:

That I am no longer tolerating people who don’t respect my boundaries or get shitty when I say no.

That I am no longer tolerating people who back stab me and then pretend/talk to my face like it’s fine and...

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Free Meditation Internal Compass Chakra Clearing 🧭 Dec 29, 2018
Feeling foggy? Needing clarity? Needing direction and some insight to what is going on for you? Wanting direction on your Life Purpose?
Feeling physical sick? Are you carrying someone’s energy? Have you cleared your energy since you’ve felt sick?
It is like...
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When I walked upon the top of the cliff, I saw this, and knew why I walked up here in the first place. All I saw, heard and felt, was 'Atlantis'.
The healing activation beds in Atlantis are beyond this time - yet they still deeply...
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Cracking The Code, Uncovering Your Sacred Life Purpose Gifts Dec 27, 2018
I am in total awe at what flows through these sessions! To help uncover and reclaim people's Sacred Life Purpose Gift with them in session is phenomenal!
I am deeply humbled to be the conduit to help people with this, every single person is so unique and the gifts and spiritual...
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#energyupdate Goodbye Solstice Full Moon Dec 25, 2018
#energyupdate We are about to leave the 3 day window of our peak Full Moon - you know how I always say we feel it most, 3 days either side of the peak Full Moon time, in several hours, we are about to step out of it.
You may have already felt a bit of a shift, in the past 4-6 hours,...
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🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN for Christmas Day 2018 🎄🔮 Dec 25, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN for Christmas Day 2018

The Magical Messages from the Fairies have some powerful messages on this day of rebirth for you today. Scroll down to find the number that you chose earlier today, to see what message they have for you on this rebirth day. 

Love, Hannah 

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🎄🔮❤️ FREE PSYCHIC READING ❤️🔮🎄25th December 2018 Dec 25, 2018
FREE PSYCHIC READING Tuesday Tarot falls on Christmas Day today - yep, not missing a Tuesday 2.5 years strong
So, for your Christmas Gift, pick which number first jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that your eyes are drawn to, that you first hear in your mind, that you...
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Christmas Week Weekly Intuitive Forecast 24th December 2018 Dec 24, 2018

Christmas Week Weekly Intuitive Forecast 24th December 2018

Click here for Your 2019 Psychic Readings: https://www.realityawareness.com/p/your-2019-personal-psychic-readings

Create a beautiful Christmas

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 

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HUGE energetic wake ups, patterns that you’ve been trying to shift for eons - gone. Dec 21, 2018
HUGE energetic wake ups, patterns that you’ve been trying to shift for eons - gone. Just. Like. That.
THAT is what Solstice and this months Full Moon is bringing to you.
Huge waves of grief coming in - letting go - let it! Drop into it. Feel it. The fastest way to...
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Relentless, Relentless, Relentless….Summer & Winter Solstice & our Full Moon Dec 20, 2018
Relentless, Relentless, Relentless…. I heard this over and over in my head and wondered what it was about… and then realise messages were trying to come through… over and over….
#energyupdate Summer Solstice (Southern Hemisphere) Winter Solstice (Northern...
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