Hannah's Blog

Follow where your Heart takes you ❤️ Nov 17, 2019

Follow where your Heart takes you 

So much clearing right? New realities are being birthed right now - we are ALMOST through the first part of the birthing portal 

However - this will happen - every time you shift, every time you up level - every time you change something in your life -...

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This morning my teenager kittens woke me at 3:18am Nov 16, 2019

This morning my teenager kittens woke me at 3:18am. I am getting used to this waking early gig. It’s what I’ve always done anyway, just 5am is usually standard. However for some reason Spirit wants me up early this week.  

I chose to get up and see the next level of training...

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7 Simple Ways to Be Gentle With Yourself When You Have A Busy Day Ahead Nov 14, 2019

7 Simple Ways to Be Gentle With Yourself When You Have A Busy Day Ahead

You may be knowing you need some time out, time alone or just plain old taking a break from your routines, but when you look at your schedule uh oh, that ain't happening for another few days or a week or more! Yikes! What to...

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🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 12th November 2019 🔮 Nov 12, 2019

READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 12th November 2019

Light Body Activation, Live Online in just a few hours, are you coming to for this Full Moon Ceremony that I have been guided to take us through this Light Body Activation in preparation for 2020? Click here to join us (Yes! You can catch the...

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🔮FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 12th November 2019 🔮 Nov 12, 2019
FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 12th November 2019
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what...
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I know that my relationships failed because Nov 11, 2019

I know that my relationships 'failed' in the past, because I 'fell for their potential' not the current reality of who they were. 

Due to this, I found myself always ‘nit picking’ what was wrong with them, what they weren’t doing right, how they weren’t stepping up...

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There comes a time when you have to trust yourself... and then trust yourself some more... Nov 10, 2019

There comes a time when you have to trust yourself... and then trust yourself some more.

There comes a time when you need to block the world out for a time and back yourself and back yourself some more.

There comes a time when you need to ignore what ANYONE says or thinks of you and keep going on...

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Past lives, wounds, beliefs & carried realities Nov 09, 2019

Past lives, wounds, beliefs & carried realities...

We are at a point now, as we come into balance of finding your truth, speaking your truth, or not, learning how to ride the waves and taking responsibility and ownership of behaviours, patterns and 'shadows' that have been around...

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"We are 'awakening into the new dawning era' - with Feminine feeling safe and bringing the Masculine into (balance) and 7 is not a balanced number! 3 is not a balanced number. The consciousness of Humanity will shift when we step out of the triples and the 7's of the chakras and move into...

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What if, you were being REBORN? 

What if, you could lead a lifestyle, like they do? 

What if, you could be as fit and healthy, like they? 

What if, you could be so confident in yourself, that nothing knocked you - ever?

What if, you could have...

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