Hannah's Blog

Oh, I forgot to share what I would say to the Mother Jul 18, 2018

Oh, I forgot to share what I would say to the mum... If you read my blog on Saturday, I said I would share what I would've said if I had walked up to the mum.... (if you didn't read my blog from Saturday, you can do so here)

I would've said something to that Mother, had I felt called too.. and it...

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COME HERE NOW!!!! My observations of a frustrated Mother. Jul 18, 2018

"COME HERE NOW!!!" and everyone turned and looked as I cringed in amazement. Here is a toddler, no more than 3 years old, running into a parking lot and the mother, standing at the side of the road, pointing down angrily at her feet yelling "Come here now!" after a few yells, the toddler...

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The concept of letting my child do what she wants when she wants seems radically outrageous.... Jul 18, 2018

The concept of letting my child do what she wants when she wants seems radically outrageous....

Yet, any new concept can bring about the same reaction...

The same reaction to a new person that is... the concept of letting a child do what they want when they want, isn't actually that new...


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READING RESULTS ARE IN for the 17th July! ✨🔮✨ Jul 17, 2018


Scroll down to find what number jumped out at you earlier today to see what message came through from the Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards for you today. 

3 more sleeps until THE BIG REVEAL!!!!!!

Love, Hannah xxx
The Life Purpose Queen ...

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Free Psychic Reading Tuesday Tarot is here! ✨🔮✨ Jul 17, 2018
Free Psychic Reading Tuesday Tarot is here!
And! This close to THE BIG REVEAL!!!
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you see in your minds eye, that you hear, that you just know, or that you just sense and comment your number below and let...
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The truth about why you are so angry, frustrated and ultimately scared of 'what the government is doing'? Jul 14, 2018

The truth about why you are so angry, frustrated and ultimately scared of 'what the government is doing'?

(the video here too, is another share from my Heart around why you fear the Government and actually what you can do about it. Remember who you are.)

They seem to have alot of power and...

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The Rose Bush Analogy 🌹 Jul 12, 2018

The Rose Bush Analogy 

So many of society are walking around with closed Hearts, hunched shoulders and sad minds. And these closed Hearts?

They have either a shield of armour protecting them, or shields or concrete walls or something similar.

Because honey, most people don't know how to...

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Partial Solar Eclipse July 2018 Jul 11, 2018
The partial solar eclipse portal has OPENED - the 3 day window either side of any moon phases is always significant and a potent space for healing, this one in particular is to do with the Females, Mothers, Female Generational Lineage, Women, Daughters, Aunties, Grandmothers. The partial eclipse...
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Scroll down to find what message streamed through for you today from the Dreams Of Gaia Tarot - Earth Mother is Speaking - do you hear Her call?
This may seem like a 'dark' deck... but it depends - what you really see
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FREE TAROT READING for Tuesday 10th July 2018 Jul 10, 2018

FREE TAROT READING for Tuesday 10th July 2018

Pick which number first comes to mind, that jumps out at you, that you hear in your mind, that you see in your minds eye, that you just know, and comment your number below to let me know what number you choose today.

Reading results will be posted at...

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