Hannah's Blog
FREE PSYCHIC READING for 25th September 2018
Pick which number first jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you see in your minds eye, that you are drawn to, that you hear or you just know and comment your number below to let me know what number is yours for today.
Energy Update - Portals are Opening, activating and allowing the higher pathways.
I am being told there is a key date coming up - the 23rd October is a key significant shift in global and interpersonal events and relationships.
They are saying it is a key activation period from the...
Want to stay on track with your Life Purpose?
The best way to do that?
Do your OWN thing! Forget what they are doing!
If you find yourself getting triggered and then NOT paying attention to that - you can get easily pulled of path - deeply!!
Now - it is important to note - we are human...
Soulmate Friendships
Here is a free training video I did in my Reality Awareness Facebook Support Group, (which is free to join and you can join our tribe here if you're not already in there with us: https://www.facebook.com/groups/realityawareness1111/ )
On Calling In...