Hannah's Blog

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Jul 31, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

Overlying Card for today?

Go Now! Serapis Bay - if there is a situation you know isn't right for you, something is, not aligned anymore - just trust yourself and leave. It's okay to trust yourself. You know what is right for you. #trust

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Tuesday Tarot is here!! Free Psychic Reading for Tuesday 31st July Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Tarot is HERE!!!! Free Psychic Reading! Did you know, that tomorrow, marks 2 years that I have been sharing Tuesday Tarot with you??? I HAVE NOT MISSED A TUESDAY!!!!!!!! That's cause for celebration!
That's a lot of Tuesday Tarot's hey? So exciting!!!!
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Want to know my secrets for staying on top of my game? Jul 30, 2018
Want to know my secrets for staying on top of my game?
Now, let me define staying on top of my game, which, will probably - no, obviously be different to the norm, because I am not the norm
Staying on top of my game, doesn’t mean that I am perfect, I have it all...
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When was the last time you cleared your energy? Jul 29, 2018
When was the last time you cleared your energy? Yesterday? Last week? Last month? Last year? Can you… imagine not having a shower for that long? You’d be pretty smelly and dirty right?
The first thing to do, when you are feeling:
~ lost
~ confused
~ not...
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Yep, wtf right? (more on that down below, eclipse energies, first)
As we head into the gateway of the 3 day window opening right about now/today - I always say, 3 days either side of peak moon times - you feel them.
It is like the ‘doors open’...
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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Jul 24, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN!!!! What a powerful channel today from the Oracle of the Mermaids Deck, by Lucy Cavendish. 

Are you ready to face your shadow? Are you ready to face the darkness? Are you ready to see, what you are not seeing? 

No surprise this was the overlying message for it...

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FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 24th July 2018 ✨🔮✨ Jul 24, 2018

FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 24th July 2018 

Pick which number first jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you first hear in your mind, that your eyes are drawn to, maybe you just know the number or you sense it. Trust which card calls you and comment your number...
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When you gain a deeper understanding, you gain a deeper sense of compassion Jul 23, 2018
When you gain a deeper understanding you gain a deeper sense of compassion. Yet - this will come deeply when you have been triggered by something deep within.
When you can look within, honour your authentic hearts feelings about the entire situation and deeply hold space for yourself...
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It totally pains my heart when I see them ripping to shreds what other people are doing... Jul 22, 2018

I’m actually in awe, that I see top name, celebrities and top entrepreneurs pouring so much hate, judgment & separation into our world.

It totally pains my heart when I see them ripping to shreds what other people are doing - like honestly?

I say this with deep compassion because I used...

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Sooooo many people have been asking me what I do - and some think that I am connected to some sort of multi-level or network marketing company selling spirituality or something along those lines. I don’t. I am not connected to any source of any other company in any way shape or form.


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