Hannah's Blog
We are out of the three day window of that potent Once in a Blue Super Full Moon - however, the integration will continue for the next week and up to the next 3 weeks and of course, we set the trajectory for the rest of your life - what have you chosen?
The 'Once in a Pisces Blue Moon' - is...
In less than 3 hours... I say Farewell To The Moon in our Super Full Blue Moon Ceremony, as I trust my intuitive divine guidance to release holding every month Full Moon Ceremonies like I have done for the past 7 years non stop.... to embark on this next phase of my journey and projects...
The Wildly Wealthy & The Internal Switch
I was honoured to speak with my mentor on video call the other day and something happened to me on that call. I was changed.
You can learn all the ins and outs of something - but to be in the presence of someone who lives what you wish for on a daily...
Reading Results are IN for 29th August 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Oracle of the Mermaids
Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to...
PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 29th August 2023
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what number you...
In 3 Days, I am holding the FINAL FULL MOON CEREMONY after 7 YEARS of monthly magnificently incredible mystical journeys that the Magic of the Moon Goddess has gifted me and all the wonderful Souls who have joined over the years.
These Ceremonies are HEALING, they are ACTIVATING, they increase...
Instead of the word 'busy' - instead, say, 'full schedule'.
Busy creates a frantic energy and yet, full schedule has a different vibe to it and I choose this one
And it is definitely the vibe of late
There was a time, not long ago, isolation on 250 acres was incredibly... well isolated. Like a...
Next week, is our Blue Full Moon - our second Full Moon in August and our 3 out of 4 Super Full Moons - no wonder the energies are high and intense right?!
For 7 years, I have been holding Full Moon Ceremonies. Every single month for 7 years.
On Solstice Ceremony in June, I received the intuitive...
~ You all of a sudden break a lot glasses or crockery in a short space of time - usually roughly about 3 pieces in the space of a week. You do dishes all the time (or the dishwasher does!) - but you all of a sudden crack or break everything...
CELEBRATING ticking over to 30k Follower Milestone on Reality Awareness Facebook Page right now is a BIG DEAL Thank you for being here! It wouldn't be happening without YOU! I love you!
And I cannot believe I am releasing this to you to CELEBRATE!
It seems I have been CELEBRATING A LOT lately...