Hannah's Blog
FREE TAROT READING for Tuesday 7th August 2018
Pick which number first jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that your eyes are drawn to, that you hear in your mind, that you just know, or get a sense for and comment your number below to let me know what number you have chosen for...
Day #5: You Are A Walking Transformer
That divine spark within you, that you tapped into, dropped into yesterday for Day #4 - that is always there. It never leaves you and it only takes a thought to 'go there' and to remember that it has never left you.
You can expand this divine spark, as...
13 Years - this year, marks my 13th year, since I was spiritually awakened. I know some people irk at this, roll their eyes and slap their forehead and….I deeply smile, from deep, deep within my Soul, as I honour the deep drawing of the Goddess that has called me, from deep, deep within,...
If it feels like a part of you is dying, it is because it is.
Allow this space.
It isn’t what you’ve lost, it is what you are aligning to and moving towards.
The Wolf has been strong in my awareness recently and the Wolf is the symbolism of shedding aspects and parts of your...