Hannah's Blog
Weekly Intuitive Energy Update 4th February 2019
Trust Your Intuition: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
When the Trees are cut down, there is more LIGHT
Standing in my backyard this morning, just before dawn, a memory came back of the HUGE old tree that used to be in it when I first moved into this house 8 years ago. I am not sure what tree it was, but I think something like a big paperbark...
What if, our frequency, was to BE on Earth?
There are all these upgrades and astral travel and going places in our dreams and tuning into other realms and higher dimensions and spiritual travel and everything 'out there in the Universe' - whilst I am passionate about upgrades, connecting...
Do you have my FREE Realm Attunement Meditation?
With Life Purpose Blueprint DNA Upgrades, Energetic Enhancements & Activations to strengthen and build your intuition and recalling memories of your Past Lives, let alone the fact you get to go HOME to your place you lived/were/are from,...