Hannah's Blog

READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 6th November 2018 🔮 Nov 06, 2018
READING RESULTS ARE IN dear Souls!!! Scroll down to see what number you chose earlier today to see what message from the Ascended Masters has come through for you today.
We are heading into Dark Moon territory, things are being shed from either your consciousness or physical life -...
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Free Psychic Reading for Tuesday Tarot 6th Nov '18 Nov 06, 2018
FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 6th November 2018
November is here! Let's see what this month brings for us all! We can all feel the shifts coming and that are here, let's get ready for the ride of our lifetime it feels like!
Pick which number jumps out at you,...
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Gain mastery on EXPERIENCING HUMANITY 31st October 2018 Oct 31, 2018

It’s always going to feel like death and weird and more but this is where we gain mastery on EXPERIENCING HUMANITY. The veils are thin, the portals are open...

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🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN for Tuesday 30th October 2018 🔮 Oct 30, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN for Tuesday 30th October 2018 

There is a strong overlying thread for today's reading - Trust Your Intuition and GROUND it! There is only so much visualising, wishing, hoping and dreaming we can do - then you need to take physical action to make it manifest into your...

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🔮 FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 30th October 🔮 Oct 30, 2018

FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 30th October


(I keep writing November already! I did it on the Full Moon too! Curious what big shifts November brings, as we can all feel it in our bones and I feel already 'there'!)


Pick which number first jumps out at you, that you first...

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🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For Tuesday 23rd October 2018 Oct 23, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Scroll down to find your number that you chose earlier today and see what Archangel has a message for you today. 

Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition closes next week! Click here for all the details including the extended payment plan...

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🔮FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 23rd October 2018 🔮 Oct 23, 2018

FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 23rd October 2018 

Pick which number first jumps out at you, that you first hear in your mind, that first comes to mind, that your eyes are drawn to, that you just know, or that you just sense, and comment your number below to let me know what number is...

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Full Moon Ceremony Live Online ✨🌕✨Taurus Full Moon 25th October 2018 Oct 22, 2018

Full Moon Ceremony Live Online  Taurus Full Moon 25th October 2018

This week is a huge theme of letting in the new, allowing yourself to receive and releasing the old patterns to make space for embodying it. 

There is a huge difference in just knowing something new to actually embodying...

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