Hannah's Blog

🔮 PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 19th March 2024 🔮 Mar 19, 2024

PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 19th March 2024    Equinox has arrived - a pivotal shift in energies, an old part is dying and a new part is being reborn

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to,...

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When you have a unique, massive purpose, you feel this deep internal pull that only the 1% feel ♾️ Mar 18, 2024

When you have a unique, massive purpose, you feel this deep internal pull that only the 1% feel

It calls you

It doesn’t leave you alone #cantstopwontstop

When you heal, your Purpose appears - instantly - your life changes - in a nanosecond.

What you thought was your Purpose, elevates...

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Ever caught yourself in the endlessly scrolling? Mar 16, 2024

Ever caught yourself in the endlessly scrolling, mesmerised yet annoyed by coaches online who just don't seem to keep it real? I've been there, stuck between fascination and frustration, questioning the authenticity we all crave - I am all for keeping it real at Reality Awareness.

I've always...

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The new you is wonderful, amazing, pure hearted, wild and free 💎 Mar 14, 2024

The new you is wonderful, amazing, pure hearted, wild and free

But your psychic wound of neglect is continually attracting the same empty cycles of love, health and wealth. 

You run on empty. You have a full and dedicated life, but the inside is empty. It is only full, when someone pays...

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🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th March 2024 Mar 12, 2024

Reading Results are IN for 12th March 2024 

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Herbal Astrology Oracle 

When you’re awake but you’re becoming more conscious, you know it is time for a different mentor. One that can take you into the...

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🔮 PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 12th March 2024 🔮 Mar 12, 2024

PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 12th March 2024    Still deeply acknowledging this shift in season - a 3 week celebration as we edge the Equinox as both hemispheres experience the shift in seasons and adjust our lives accordingly

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes...

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Your psychic trauma is costing you from earning thousands on the daily right now. Mar 08, 2024

Your psychic trauma is costing you from earning thousands on the daily right now.

Your people pleasing is holding back your bank account growing by tens of thousands on the daily right now.

Your fear of leaving people behind is stopping your voice from saying what you really want to say...

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💸👑🔥 The $1M Brand Goldmine 🔥👑💸 Mar 07, 2024

  The $1M Brand Goldmine

There are certain requirements you need to build a $1M Brand From Your Heart & Soul Life Purpose

They are:

~ An idea that is the solution to a problem people have

~ Commitment to turn up no matter how you’re feeling

~ Dedication to doing whatever it takes...

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My clients stay long term Mar 07, 2024

My clients stay long term, because they know that long term mentorship is where the authentic real healing & transformation to make thousands on the daily lives 

My clients are here for the entire wavy ride that stability encompasses, because they know that entire ride encompasses their...

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Psychic Acceleration & Healing - 3 Month Mentorship Mar 06, 2024

Psychic Acceleration & Healing - 3 Month Mentorship

For the Wild Spirited Rebels ready to reclaim their heart, their power and gain clarity on their Life Purpose Blueprint

~ releasing the paradoxical move forward and feel paralysed at the same time and feel like you're not actually making...

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