Hannah's Blog

Weird energy about... Nov 04, 2021

That feeling of two steps forward and ten steps backwards and , something MUST’VE shifted (that’s called alignment) ❤️

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Passion for Purpose Nov 04, 2021

You’ve come into your own and realise that everyone can stay in your past.

You’re here to carve your own way in the world.

To stand in your truth. To live what you’ve put off for all this time.

That you have forgotten and now remembering and it’s bringing you alive...

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I’m attracted to the Light, but Light without Darkness makes me sick 🤮 Nov 04, 2021

I’m attracted to the Light, but Light without Darkness makes me sick

You’re ahead of your time. Don’t you ever forget that.

You’ve always been the Leader, the Highest ranking Priestess - the King that gets off his high horse and fights the front line like the true King he...

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There is a time for deep healing work Nov 03, 2021

There is a time for deep healing work and then there is a time for realising the fuck who you are and that you ARE the healing. 

There is a time for diving deep into the deepest wounds that you have been carrying for eons of time - then there is at a time for LIVING the reason you did the...

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🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd November 2021 Nov 02, 2021

Reading Results are IN for 2nd November 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Goddess Guidance for you 

Ready to take your business online? Not sure what on Earth you need to do, but know you need to start -...

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It’s okay to fully trust yourself. Nov 02, 2021

It’s okay to fully trust yourself.

It’s okay to fully back yourself. 

It's okay to walk dedicatedly in your own flow. 

It’s okay to allow yourself to step away from what’s no longer in alignment.

It’s okay to walk towards, face and only focus on what feels...

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🔮PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 2nd November 2021 🔮 Nov 02, 2021

PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 2nd November 2021  

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what...

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Weekly Energetic Forecast⚡️ Nov 01, 2021

For the week 1st - 7th Nov 2021

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You see them doing it online... Oct 30, 2021
You see them doing it online... you feel the pull, the tug, the gentle nudge, the quiet wondering... that.. is how it begins.
Your cue to go Online with your Presence, your business, your Gifts, your Talents your Skills - has arrived.
That little inkling, that nudge, that...
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The faster you own the fact that you're different, the faster life gets better Oct 30, 2021

The faster you own the fact that you're different, the faster life gets better.

The faster you realise you can and do walk into the lions den and you wonder why you've ended up here again is because you are training and fine tuning your skills. You didn't take a wrong turn, you were meant to fine...

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