Hannah's Blog

The theme of self-worth runs deep Mar 03, 2021
The theme of self-worth runs deep... I just found this, looking for something else and feels important to share right now - right on theme for what has been surfacing, deep from within the CORE.
For I wrote a blog before, yet... it didn't feel right... and so I left it... it felt...
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🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 2nd March 2021 Mar 02, 2021

Reading Results are IN for 2nd March 2021

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message the Goddess's have there for you today. 

TOMORROW! Doors open tomorrow for Trust Your Intuition where you can alchemise your pain and trade your past for the life you know...

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🔮PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 2nd March 2021 🔮 Mar 02, 2021

PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 2nd March 2021  

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment below to let me know what number you choose...

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I don't think puffy eyed cuts it... facing reality head on is what I call it Mar 01, 2021

I don't think puffy eyed cuts it... facing reality head on is what I call it

This has been the hugest waves for me this past few days... massive. So much so that this afternoon I had to stop and just... what on Earth IS this?! 

I have been pushing through... but it isn't that I haven't...

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#realitychecks - Sleep Paralysis Mar 01, 2021
#realitychecks - Sleep Paralysis
~ Have you cleaned your energy today?
If you haven't cleared your energy, which can be as simple as imagining the sunlight beaming through your aura, your body, your system or imaging the shower water being like a waterfall of white light, washing...
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I was HALTED by the Universe. In a BIG BIG way. Feb 25, 2021

I was HALTED by the Universe. In a BIG BIG way. 

This past 2 weeks has been the hardest of my entire life.

There are sooo many people around me that have lost hope in me, lost faith... given up on me... 'It has taken too long, you're always saying this.' 

Some of you will turn around...

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Spiritual poo's 💩 & RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS ARE STORED HERE - Sacral Chakra Feb 24, 2021
The old patterns are STORED here. The new patterns are stored here. Sounds weird right - in your Sacral? You’d think it would be brain right?
However, at the Sacral - when we talk about this...
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🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 23rd February 2021 Feb 23, 2021

Reading Results are IN for 23rd February 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Mermaids & Dolphins ‍‍

To get super clear on what is going on for you, the direction to take, the next step to rise...

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🔮 FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 23rd February 2021 🔮 Feb 23, 2021

FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 23rd February 2021  

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and comment your number below to let me know what...

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