Hannah's Blog

Day #15: Your Hand Healers & Clearers Aug 15, 2018

Day #15: Your Hand Healers & Clearers

You have powerful Hands - do you realise this? 

Just by thinking about it, you can imagine a colour of light, pouring through the palms of your hands. 

This would originate from your Heart/Soul/Internal Light and pour through your arms and...

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Blood of my Blood, Love of My Life ❤️✨❤️ Aug 15, 2018

Blood of my Blood, Love of My Life you’re never separate from me, for you came from my Light. 

Blood of my Blood, Love of My Life, you may feel that the power in your Heart maybe is taking to you to hell with the fury and fire that you are feeling, but the power in your Heart, has the...

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Day #14: See It As Clear Aug 15, 2018

Day #14: See It As Clear

I love this one - it is FAST and I use it a lot! 

Whatever you are seeing in your reality, whether a person, crystals, piece of land, a room in your home, a plate of food or anything at all -

See It As Clear

Meaning, your intention to clear it by 'imagining that the...

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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Aug 14, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

Scroll down to find your number that you chose earlier on, to see what the Mermaids and Dolphins have for you today beautiful one! There is certainly a lot of joy, coming through from these powerful Dolphins today and the Sacred Sensual Mermaids of you...

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FREE TAROT READING FOR TUESDAY TAROT the 14th August 2018 Aug 14, 2018
Pick which number first jumps out at you, that first draws your attention, that your eyes are drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you hear in your mind and comment your number below to let me know what number...
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Day #13: Being Held by Our Mother Earth Clearing Aug 13, 2018

Day #13: Being Held by Our Mother Earth Clearing

Whether you are laying on the Earth, the grass, the sand, the soil - or in water, you can imagine yourself laying down, or actually laying on the Earth. 

Notice what part of Our Earth Mother you are laying on - are you laying on sand, soil,...

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Day #12: Sunlight Clearing Aug 12, 2018

Day #12: Sunlight Clearing

This one is powerful.... and so, so simple. 

Anytime you step into the Sunlight, no matter how little time you have, no matter what clothing you are wearing -

Our Powerful Live Giving Force, our Dear Father Sun: 

Penetrates deeply through your clothes...


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Day #11: PLANTING SEEDS IN YOUR FERTILE EARTH/WOMB/SACRAL - Your Connection is/are your SEEDS Aug 11, 2018
There is a powerful wave about to land, to come home, to bring it all in - can you feel it?
We’ve shifted, we are starting to match the Earth - because She was always...
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I stopped looking for my Soulmate, when I realised it had been in front of me the entire time…. Aug 11, 2018

I stopped looking for my Soulmate, when I realised it had been in front of me the entire time….

Driving home from Brisbane on Wednesday night, after an already 16 hour fly day, picking up my daughter from New Zealand, and road works traffic taking 3 hours for us to get home, when usually...

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Day #10: Starlight Star Bright Be The Star You Are Tonight Aug 10, 2018

Day #10: Starlight Star Bright Be The Star You Are Tonight

You notice, how present you are in your current space - you notice the air temperature on your skin, you notice the feeling of your clothes touching your skin, you notice the sounds you can hear, you notice what you can smell, you notice...

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