Hannah's Blog

As December 31st draws near... Dec 30, 2019
As December 31st draws near, many are reflecting on the year that has been, the decade that has been and the year that is ahead of us, the decade of LIGHT that is upon us.
This past 3 weeks, leading up to this power portal that we are now in since our eclipse on Christmas/Boxing Day,...
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Last night I was dancing with my Dragons Dec 28, 2019

Last night I was dancing with my Dragons 

#sidenote #energyupdate #checkin

  • People from your past turning up
  • A difference and change in routine and flow 
  • Something out of the blue happens that makes you smile 
  • Something that you thought was lost, is found 
  • A returning to the...
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5 Tips in Using Your Intuition to Streamline Your Time and Stay in the Flow Dec 27, 2019

5 Tips in Using Your Intuition to Streamline Your Time and Stay in the Flow

Staying in the flow may bring a few huh's? to people's faces and sometimes it is hard to describe it and say exactly what it is.

Yet, the more you choose to listen to your intuition and follow it, the stronger it...

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Adaya doesn't like getting photos at this phase of her life, Dark night of the Soul Dec 26, 2019

Adaya doesn't like getting photos at this phase of her life, Dark night of the Soul, changing Motherhood roles, and the immense single mumming and building an empire that leaves me questioning everything at times 

#sidenote - so interesting... this time last year, the Lumerian and...

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Dark Moon/New Moon Solar Eclipse Peaks at 3:17pm AEST. Dec 25, 2019

In 24 hours from now, our Dark Moon/New Moon Solar Eclipse Peaks at 3:17pm AEST.  

We will see a partial Solar Eclipse here in Australia - in Saudi Arabia, they will have the full peak Solar Eclipse.

So amazing Saudi Arabia has been 'speaking strongly' recently with the energy under the...

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🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 24th December 2019 🔮 Dec 24, 2019

READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 24th December 2019 Create a Magic Christmas Eve 

On an Eve that is an opportunity to be 'born again' and breathe in new life, not only for your own cycle of life, but as we walk into 2020 an entirely new energy, let alone decade commences as we walk into the era...

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This time, 8 years ago... Dec 24, 2019

This time, 8 years ago - I was about to move home, to Perth. Where my family is. I had lived in Queensland, with no family for 12 years at that time. I had a daughter who at the time was 3 years old and everyday I questioned what I was doing, living on the other side of Australia raising my...

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🔮FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 24th December 2019 🔮 Dec 24, 2019

FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 24th December 2019 Christmas Eve Create Your Merry Christmas 

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are first drawn to, that you just know, that you sense or that you feel and...

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Solstice and the Dawning Era that is birthing right now Dec 22, 2019

Solstice. Today, for me, has been in deep inner reflection. But it didn't start off like this! (As I sat down to write this post - sooo much just flowed through me - when I asked who it was, as it was an energy, that was 'different to the norm' hence me asking and I heard, 'Arcturian and the...

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The Best Christmas Present is Your Presence Dec 18, 2019

The Best Christmas Present is Your Presence 

It can be super tricky at this time of year to not get caught up in the chaos and crazy energy of the collective that is scrambling to get things done, finish things, get Christmas organised, let alone... have a break?! 

You may be feeling...

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